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IMPORTANT: A new maintainer and home for JetS3t –

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James Murty

Nov 17, 2018, 7:18:22 AM11/17/18
Hi everyone,

I have some great news for everyone who is still using JetS3t and who has been disappointed by the project's complete lack of support over the last several years.

Paul Gregoire, aka Mondain, has offered to take on maintenance of the project, as well as applying some of his improvements that sat unmerged by me since 2016.

Paul has already forked the project to its new home on GitHub:

There he is working towards the the first new release of JetS3t for over three years, version 0.9.5!

I would like to take this chance to thank Paul for taking on some responsibility for keeping the JetS3t project alive and relevant. I would also like to thank everyone who has used the software and contributed over the years. It has had a much richer life than I ever expected when I released the first version of my hobby project more than 12 years ago.

For anyone who relies or relied on JetS3t, I'm sorry I haven't maintained or updated it in such a long time. As in so many things, life sometimes gets in the way of good intentions. The combination of starting a family, and the fact I haven't used Java professionally for over a decade, left me without the time or experience to look after JetS3t properly. I should have sought out a new maintainer for the project long ago, but thanks to Paul's recent offer to do so it is a matter of better late than never.

Here are some words from Paul to serve as an introduction:

"Paul is a self-proclaimed Java geek and all around technology nerd; he maintains the Red5 project and has been a member there since 2006. Paul wrote his first Java class in 1996 while on active duty with the US Navy and working part-time at an ISP in San Diego. He currently calls the Las Vegas valley his home."

Please welcome Paul as maintainer, head over to to see the changes, and most importantly contribute to the project in whatever way you can. The best way to prevent JetS3t from stagnating again is to get involved.

All the best,
James Murty

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