I am using the jets3t libraries to sync files to Amazon. However, I am facing problems with resiliency of the library since the files I am uploading are large in size (excess of 10 gb). The major issues I am facing are below:
1. The files I upload go through the multipart process and take somewhere in the range of few hours to get uploaded. During the upload process if there is any failure (connection dropouts, Amazon bucket non responsiveness, etc) jets3t just throws an exception and exits. Is there a way jets3t can retry instead of throwing an error and closing out the process. As an example please see the error below:
java.lang.Exception: Multipart upload failed: Request Error:
atlasense-parents.s3.amazonaws.com:443 failed to respond
at org.jets3t.service.utils.MultipartUtils.uploadObjects(MultipartUtils.java:282) ~[atlas-jets3t.jar:?]
2. Is there a way to resume an interrupted file from where it left off rather than starting it all over again? This is critical when the file sizes being uploaded are large and the error occurred when 50% of the file went up.
Please guide.