One passionate pursuit

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Honeybee Rhoads

Jan 29, 2012, 6:04:04 AM1/29/12

January 29, 2012
Daily Devotional
One passionate pursuit
Read Ahead: Proverbs 4:3-9

Wisdom is supreme--so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7, HCSB

Some people assume that by the time a person gets old, wisdom just automatically happens. But that's a myth. Wisdom is a choice. Yes, some older people are wise, but not just because they have gray hair. People become wise by spending their years walking closely with God, actively pursuing him, paying the price for wisdom, building God's standards into their lives so they can honor him in everything they do.

How, then, can you obtain wisdom?

* Study God's Word. The book of Proverbs is a great place to start, but the entire Bible teaches you about godly wisdom. Read your Bible. Learn from the successes (and the failures) of those you read about in the Scriptures.

* Ask questions. God is not intimidated by your questions. He welcomes them if you ask them in humility, out of a desire to know him.

* Be teachable. Don't be overly sensitive when someone shares a concern he has about you. Listen to his feedback to see if God is teaching you a valuable life lesson through his honest words. We all like praise. No one enjoys being criticized. But we often learn the most from our mistakes.

The direction your life takes will be a result of the choices you make. Choose to go after wisdom. Pursue it with all your energy, and hold on to it. It will enrich your life!

What's involved in wisdom? How do you know it when you see it?

Read Up: Isaiah 11:1-5, Matthew 13:44-46

This devotional is courtesy of TQ.
Read the Bible in a Year

Exodus 1:1-2:25
Psalm 17:6-12
Proverbs 3:25-26
Matthew 19:1-22

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