Yeshua in the Scarlet

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Jan 10, 2011, 6:37:26 PM1/10/11
to The Jerusalem Council
I was playing with a code search the other night and came across this tidbit while searching for ישוע:

Numbers 19:6
 ולקח הכהן עץ ארז ואזוב ושני תולעת והשליך אל-תוך שרפת הפרה:

And the priest shall take cedar-wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and send it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.

Notice the word "yeshua" every second letter backwards in the words:

תולעת והשליך


and send

Thought I'd share. :)




Jan 10, 2011, 10:01:09 PM1/10/11
Very interesting code Israel considering the color of the heifer.  I was privileged to carry pictures of some of the heifer's to Jerusalem back in 1992.  Kind of an interesting incident and for 5 years I did not really know why I it had happened.
Before I left for Israel in 1992 a friend of mine was telling me about a man named Lot to lived in the States and was raising red heifers.  This friend had heard I was going to Israel and asked me if I would like to take some pictures of these heifers to Israel to show Simcha.  He told me that this man was secretly working with a rabbi in Israel to bring back the red heifers.  He also informed me at that time that no one knew this rabbi and they were keeping his name secret for security reasons.....he said, he did not even know his name.
Well the pictures did not get to me before I left but he gave them to my wife and she mailed them to me at Ir Ovot where Simcha was living at the time.  When I got these pictures I felt overwhelmed that for some reason I needed to go to Jerusalem.  I did not understand and continued to pray about the matter.  One evening as Shabbat was closing on I was praying on the 'tell' while Dari was looking for the three stars.  As I stood there looking into the sky and praying someone touched me on the shoulder and said, Jim!  He said that is your name?  I said, yes that is my name.  He said I do not know why I am telling you this but for some reason I believe The HOLY ONE has something He wants you to do in Jerusalem.  I started to cry as I could not hold back the tears as I have been praying about the matter and I have left a fleece before The LORD.  I knew I was supposed to go and be Simcha's servant for three months but I did not know what all had to be done.  So I have left it in The LORD's hand and this was the first part of that answer to prayer.  The man told me he lived in Jerusalem and would furnish me a place to stay and everything I needed while in Jerusalem and then would take me where ever I wished to go.  He told me he was Orthodox but he had been coming to the desert once in a while to listen and learn from Simcha. 
Now these is a very long story so let me shorten it.  The second part of my prayer was also fulfilled and I did go to Jerusalem and on the second day there after our prayers I told this man I needed to go to the Temple Institute and he took me there.  Once up the stairs a young rabbi said he needed to speak to me but did not have time at the moment as he had a luncheon engagement and he started to walk back down the stairs and I followed beside him and I told these pictures out of my shirt pocket and gave them to him in the middle of the stairwell.  He stopped and then ask me if I knew why they could not use these heifers.  I told him I did not know and he began showing and telling me everything about these heifers.  It was more than apparent he knew them.  These heifers were out in the field and how he could tell which one had a grey hair or black hair or such I could not understand, except to say to myself, he knows them.
For five years I did not know why this had happened.  The man from Jerusalem sent me a large article he had clipped from the Jerusalem Post with a heifer named Melody and on one side of that heifer was a man named Clyde Lot and on the other was Rabbi Chaim Richmond, the rabbi I had taken the pictures too.  The article told how they had been working together for several years to bring these heifers back to Israel.  So the pictures came from Clyde Lot in Mississippi to my friend in Sherwood Arkansas he gave them to my wife Linda and she mailed them to me and I carried them to Rabbi Richmond in Jerusalem.  Now I still do not understand fully why this all happened other than to know there was some concerns of security surrounding the heifers and perhaps this had something to do with it???
But it was an interesting time for me filled with many Spiritual happenings!  BTW in case you did not know it, Ir Ovot is Oboth noted in the scriptures in numbers 21 and 33.  The 'tell' that I was moving Simcha and family off of was identified as the city of Tamar noted in Ezekiel 47 and 48 that the river of life will run too in the desert when the day comes of which we have been speaking and The Master steps His foot back on the Mount of Olives and it splits in twain and the river of life or living waters runs to the Dead Sea giving life to it so that fishermen once again will fish on the shores and this river then runs into the desert to Tamar.  I have walked this dry 'wadi' and looked at it from satellite and I believe when the mountains and hills are made a plane that this will then lift the Dead Sea up and the river will flow all the way to the Gulf.  It appears on satellite that this was the way it ran at one time in history.
The city has a direct history linked to Jerusalem because it was built by King Solomon as well.
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