Another interesting alignment

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May 2, 2011, 1:54:52 PM5/2/11
to The Jerusalem Council
Rather interesting chaverim:

This year I was piqued by the unique turn of even "signs" in the sky back in December, of which if you look through the archives on this mailing list you will see the full report. And now, this time we have another interesting set of signs, culminating on the New Moon of Iyaar, something like this won't happen again for a long while.

Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky

In the order of their appearance and their Hebrew names and meanings (if they have one):

Lebanah - White - New Moon in crescent above Venus
Kokebet/Kokebah Nogah - star evening - Venus
Kokab - star/planet - Mercury
Maadim - appointed times/Reddener - Mars
Zedek - righteous/justice - Jupiter

What is HaShem telling the world? Again, it appears to be the same sign which appeared at the December 21st eclipse alignment: judgment on the financial system, and later ware, arrives in a little while, but the righteous will be spared and will overcome - like Israel was spared of the judgment upon Egypt.

It also appears that the appointed time for this first judgment is very very soon (the month of Iyar) which starts in two days, and continues all this next month to the next new moon of Sivan - an emphasis on the New Moons themselves being a start and conclusion. Coupled with the signs from this winter, it appears the judgment is on the "beauty" (Kokebah Nogah) of North America which is our financial system, the first of two judgments in store, of which if this first happens, that without further national repentance can lead to the pouring out of another judgment - this one of war (centered in Persia aka Iran) on the opposite end of the year, before the year (Hebrew year 5771) is out.

Again, this is just looking at the sign in the skies that we are to watch for. Not a prediction of the future. All signs are G-d speaking to us about the immediate present about our condition. When one looks to the skies for prophetic foretelling, then one has missed the point (and delves into the foretelling of good and bad omens which is astrology which is forbidden). A sign is always G-d saying something right now about what he is doing right now about our present condition right now. It's a sign of the present condition, and like all signs, they are interpreted in the context of the time in which they appear. They are a means by which G-d fulfills the attribute of his mercy to sinners by communicating to them in order that they be given a chance to repent - a way in which G-d speaks to the unrepentant who "see but never perceive - who hear, but do not understand." It is up to the righteous to continue preaching repentance.

And as if HaShem is emphasizing the point:

The New Moon of Iyar 1, is the 16th day of the omer... and the sefirot for that day is: gevurah sheb'tiferet. judgment in beauty.





May 2, 2011, 1:57:26 PM5/2/11
to The Jerusalem Council
Let's try this again with better spelling, :)

Rather interesting chaverim:

This year I was piqued by the unique turn of even "signs" in the sky back in December, of which if you look through the archives on this mailing list you will see the full report. And now, this time we have another interesting set of signs, culminating on the New Moon of Iyar, something like this won't happen again for a long while.

Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky

In the order of their appearance and their Hebrew names and meanings (if they have one):

Lebanah - White - New Moon in crescent above Venus
Kokebet/Kokebah Nogah - star evening - Venus
Kokab - star/planet - Mercury
Maadim - appointed times/Reddener - Mars
Zedek - righteous/justice - Jupiter

What is HaShem telling the world? Again, it appears to be the same sign which appeared at the December 21st eclipse alignment: judgment on the financial system, and later war, arrives in a little while, but the righteous will be spared and will overcome - like Israel was spared of the judgment upon Egypt.

It also appears that the appointed time for this first judgment is very very soon (the month of Iyar) which starts in two evenings, and continues all this next month to the next new moon of Sivan - an emphasis on the New Moons themselves being a start and conclusion. Coupled with the signs from this winter, it appears the judgment is on the "beauty" (Kokebah Nogah) of North America which is our financial system, the first of two judgments in store, of which if this first happens, that without further national repentance can lead to the pouring out of another judgment - this one of war (centered in Persia aka Iran) on the opposite end of the year, before the year (Hebrew year 5771) is out.


May 2, 2011, 1:59:52 PM5/2/11
to The Jerusalem Council
I really must be getting tired. For a third time:

Rather interesting chaverim:

This year my curiosity was piqued by a unique "sign" in the sky back in December, of which if you look through the archives on this mailing list you will see the full report. And now, this time we have another interesting set of signs, culminating on the New Moon of Iyar, something like this won't happen again for a long while.

Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky

In the order of their appearance and their Hebrew names and meanings (if they have one):

Lebanah - White - New Moon in crescent above Venus
Kokebet/Kokebah Nogah - star evening - Venus
Kokab - star/planet - Mercury
Maadim - appointed times/Reddener - Mars
Zedek - righteous/justice - Jupiter

What is HaShem telling the world? Again, it appears to be the same sign which appeared at the December 21st eclipse alignment: judgment on the financial system, and later war, arrives in a little while, but the righteous will be spared and will overcome - like Israel was spared of the judgment upon Egypt.

It also appears that the appointed time for this first judgment is very very soon (the month of Iyar) which starts in two evenings, and continues all this next month to the next new moon of Sivan - an emphasis on the New Moons themselves being a start and conclusion. Coupled with the signs from this winter, it appears the judgment is on the "beauty" (Kokebah Nogah) of North America which is our financial system, the first of two judgments in store, of which if this first happens, that without further national repentance can lead to the pouring out of another judgment - this one of war (centered in Persia aka Iran) on the opposite end of the year, before the year (Hebrew year 5771) is out.
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May 4, 2011, 8:58:32 AM5/4/11
15 May is a special day in Israel, but another flotilla is supposed to happen. Obama and friends will accuse Israel of another flotilla incident.
In the fall - the UN, Russia, EU, USA along with the Palestianians are planning to declare a Palestinian state which we all know will cause a war because the 1967 borders are not secure borders for Israel. Insteresting timing either during the Feast of Yeshua or the Fall Holidays.

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