A Plea for Financial Aid and Prayer Support for an Urgent Mission of Mercy

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May 8, 2011, 6:24:31 PM5/8/11
to The Jerusalem Council, bgent...@gmail.com, ra...@rootsofthemessiah.com
May 6, 2011

Shalom and thank you for taking an interest in what I believe God has put on my heart to do for the next few months.

To begin my name is Bridget Gentleman and I have been attending Shorshay HaMashiach since December of 2009, an Orthodox Jewish
Congregation that teaches and believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah. I am sending you this letter asking for your help. I am trying to get to Israel to help a woman who has been a huge blessing to the Messianic community and our congregation.

She is originally from Israel, and her entire family was killed for their help in the Israeli government and military. Her father lost his family in the holocaust, and he went on to create Mossad and help Israel become a nation. He was later killed by an enemy of the state of Israel for his role in it becoming a sovereign nation. Her mother too lost her family in the holocaust. She went on to become the president of Hadassah and was killed in a bombing. She had two brothers; one brother was killed in the six day war in the Golan Heights. Her other brother was killed during a war against Egypt. Israeli soldiers had been left behind in Egypt, so he stole an Egyptian tank and made five trips rescuing them. However, on the last trip Israeli troops mistook him for a suicide bomber, and blew up his tank. The day was Yom Kippur (the Day of Judgment). Her husband was killed during the 1982 Lebanese war. After all of this the woman decided to pack up her three children and move to the United States. Shortly after moving here her children were stolen from her because of her faith in Yeshua. She had no contact with them for about
twenty- two years, until November 2010 when her two sons contacted her. She still has not had contact with her daughter.

Despite all of these hardships her faith has never wavered and in fact has only grown stronger. It is because of her strong faith that she has been able to help so many Messianic congregations over the years. She has donated prayer books, resource materials, mezuzah scrolls, etc. and she has helped several Messianic congregations obtain sefer Torah scrolls for a very reasonable price.

Due to some issues back in Israel this woman needs to go back to Israel for a few months. While she is there she also needs to renovate her home and go through her family’s belongings which are in storage. Since leaving, she has rented out her home and has no idea the condition that it is in. Due to her poor health; she has diabetes, ulcers, and cancer, she has been left wheelchair or walker bound depending on how she is feeling and is unable to do any of this work herself.

Which brings me to why I am trying to go over there to help her. She needs her house painted, whatever has been broken fixed, boxes unpacked, gone through, repacked, and sent where they need to go. Going over there, we will only have what we bring and the roof over our heads. This means no beds, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, toiletries, dishes/ kitchen items, or food. I really believe that God has put it in my heart to help this woman because of the strength she has shown and the blessing she is to everyone who meets her. She has requested that I be there by the 15th of May as that is when her tenants are moving out. This gives me a little over a week to acquire money for a plane ticket and the supplies I will need to purchase when I get to Israel. I am asking you to become a
part of this blessing through whatever contribution you can offer.

Thank you all and have a blessed day!

You can donate through the Jerusalem Council group by going to the link below:

Bridget's Mission of Mercy - Israel

Also, financial contributions can be made through the http://rootsofthemessiah.com/donating.htm web site using Paypal. Please send a short note to ryoseph.b...@gmail.com designating the funds for Bridget's mission.

You may also mail contributions to Roots of the Messiah, PO Box 1775, Evergreen, CO 80437-3583. Please enclose a note referencing “Bridget aid to Israel” to ensure that the funds go to supporting me in this mission of aid and mercy.

From what is believed and known now, it appears that I will need to be in Israel for three months helping her. Your continued financial and prayer support while I am there is greatly needed for this trip to occur and to be a success. If you wish to get in direct contact with me, my email address is bgent...@gmail.com.

Thank you and Shalom!

Bridget Gentleman

This letter is being sent with the approval of Rabbi Yoseph Moshe ben Gershon of Shorshay HaMashiach (Roots of the Messiah), Evergreen, CO. This is a solicitation to aid in a mission trip of mercy, not a touring or recreational trip to Israel. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Rabbi Yoseph Moshe ben Gershon

This solicitation for fundraising aid has also been approved for distribution by JerusalemCouncil.org.
Israel Betzalel
JC Fundraising Project Coordinator


May 8, 2011, 7:00:25 PM5/8/11
to The Jerusalem Council, bgent...@gmail.com, ra...@rootsofthemessiah.com
Correction, the donation link is here:





May 8, 2011, 7:10:35 PM5/8/11
to jerusale...@googlegroups.com
Please send my prayers to this blessed person. In the service of Yeshua our Maschiach, Ron -----Original Message-----
Date: Sunday, May 08, 2011 7:00:49 pm
To: "The Jerusalem Council" <jerusale...@googlegroups.com>
Cc: bgent...@gmail.com, ra...@rootsofthemessiah.com
From: "Israel" <isr...@jerusalemcouncil.org>
Subject: [JC] Re: A Plea for Financial Aid and Prayer Support for an Urgent Mission of Mercy


May 9, 2011, 8:46:45 PM5/9/11
to jerusale...@googlegroups.com
This email stopped at the reason she needs your help there is she needs her house painted,

If there is more to the email please email the rest of it.

Sent from my can't live without iPhone!!




May 6, 2011

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Yoseph ben Gershon

May 10, 2011, 10:48:22 AM5/10/11
to jerusale...@googlegroups.com


May 10, 2011, 11:02:53 AM5/10/11
to jerusale...@googlegroups.com
Just be aware that the chip in event link is here (the first one is broken):




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