WoP 24/08/2023

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Sabeel Center

Aug 21, 2023, 5:47:04 AM8/21/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

Next week, on the 29th of August Kumi Now will reflect on art as resistance. Art has always been a powerful channel for human expression, capable of transcending boundaries, defying oppression, and bearing witness to the struggles and aspirations of individuals and communities. In Palestine, art has long played a role in providing a voice to the voiceless and articulating the Palestinian condition.
Ÿ Dear Lord, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude for the remarkable creativity and unwavering strength of Palestinian artists. We pray for more artistic endeavors to serve as a beacon of hope and a call to action, compelling the world to stand together in support of justice and the inherent dignity of all people.
 Lord in Your mercy…

On Tuesday the 15th of August, Israeli forces invaded Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in the city of Jericho and shot 16-year-old Qusay Al-Walaji and Mohammed Nujoom, 25-years-old. Al-Walaji and Nujoom eventually died from their wounds. This brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces so far this year to 216.

Ÿ Heavenly Father, we lift up our prayers for the families of Al-Walaji and Nujoom. May your gentle comfort and boundless mercy encircle them in their time of grief. We collectively mourn their loss and pray that the root cause of their deaths be addressed and eliminated.
Lord in Your mercy…

On the 7th of August, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich refused to release NIS 200 million (around $55 million) for economic development in Palestinian municipalities in Israel. Moreover, Smotrich announced a five-year freeze of funds amounting to hundreds of million dollars to the development of East Jerusalem. At the same time Smotrich has allocated more funds to the building of more illegal settlements.

Ÿ Lord Jesus Christ, we come before you in a time of concern and uncertainty, seeking guidance, wisdom, and compassion. We pray for the Palestinian communities that will be affected directly by the recent actions by the Israeli government and we pray against the expansion of illegal settlements.
Lord in Your mercy…

For the past few weeks, a total of 13 Palestinian detainees remain on an open-ended hunger strike. This is in protest of their unfair administrative detention under Israel’s so-called administrative detention policy. According to B’Tselem, 2023 has been the year with the most Palestinians in administrative detention since 2003.

Ÿ God of liberation, we pray for strength and justice for the 13 Palestinian detainees who are enduring an open-ended hunger strike. We lift them up in our thoughts and prayers, their courage is a testament to the human spirit's unwavering dedication to justice and freedom.
 Lord in Your mercy…

It's truly wonderful news that Rev. Dr. Ateek is visiting Palestine and Sabeel Jerusalem from the United States this week. Rev. Dr. Ateek’s legacy as one of the founders of Sabeel and the father of Palestinian Liberation Theology has left a lasting impact amongst Palestinians, Internationals, Palestinian Theology, and many other areas. The land of Rev. Dr. Ateek's origins eagerly anticipates the return of one of its esteemed native sons.

Ÿ Gracious Lord, we ask for blessings to accompany Rev. Dr. Ateek's journey. May his travels be safe and his interactions be infused with your wisdom. May his reunions with family, friends, and the Sabeel staff be filled with joy and meaningful connections.
Lord in Your mercy…

The famous Greenbelt Festival is scheduled between August 24th to 27th. This event will feature various Palestinian voices and initiatives, including Muna Nassar, a representative of Sabeel-Kairos UK. Muna will be presenting on the main stage at Greenbelt in front of thousands of attendees. Additionally, three participants from the recent Sabeel Young Adult conference will share their insights about their involvement with Sabeel and their experiences related to Palestine.

Ÿ Divine Creator, we pray for Muna Nassar. May her words be a bridge that connects hearts, fostering empathy and a deeper appreciation for the struggles faced by the Palestinian community. Bless all those involved with Sabeel-Kairos UK, where the work of Sabeel-Kairos UK and Sabeel Jerusalem will be showcased. May this space radiate with the light of compassion and education, illuminating the path toward justice and equality for all.
Lord in Your mercy…

Ÿ We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for Liberia, Sierra Leone. Lord in Your mercy…

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