Pray with Sabeel

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Sabeel Center

Oct 30, 2023, 8:57:37 AM10/30/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

Since the 7th of October, the situation in Gaza has been deteriorating. The cumulative number of Palestinians killed in Gaza now exceeds 8000, amongst them more than 3000 children. This number unfortunately, is expected to rise with every hour that passes. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is ongoing. Over 1 million people have been internally displaced, and the healthcare system is collapsing due to Israel’s restriction of essential resources from entering Gaza. Hospitals, schools, and humanitarian facilities have been hit by missiles. No space is safe in Gaza and the citizens of Israel continue to suffer as a result of the violent situation.  

 Crucified God, you are known as the “Man of Sorrows.” No statement says all that can be said, no prayer can fully express the current depth of pain and suffering. We hold on to the belief that you are co-suffering with those in Gaza, and you feel their pain on your skin. With every fiber of our being, we come before you pleading for an urgent ceasefire to allow life-saving aid to reach Gaza. How much longer, O Lord, must this suffering continue?
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

Israel has conducted a mass arrest campaign across the West Bank since the 7th of October. At least 1100 Palestinians in the West Bank have been arrested so far. Several sources highlight the severe mistreatment and dire conditions under which detainees are being held. Two Palestinian prisoners have died since their arrest due to unknown circumstances. Israel attributes their deaths to health issues, while Palestinian sources claim it is because of torture.

 Heavenly Father, as mass arrests take place across the West Bank and cruel treatment of Palestinians continues in the name of justice, we remember that you are sovereign. Grant all Palestinian political prisoners who have been wrongly convicted and are enduring mistreatment the knowledge of your love despite their circumstances. May the crimes of systems, governments, and individuals be illuminated by your light.
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 25th, four family members of Al Jazeera’s Gaza Bureau Chief, Wael Dahdouh, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Gaza. Dahdouh lost his wife, his daughter, his grandson and his 15-year-old son. Dahdouh received the news from live television. This devastating story highlights the abhorrent circumstances journalists, medical workers, and many other professionals face in Gaza. Since the 7th of October, 22 Palestinian Journalists in Gaza have been killed.

• God of truth, your son, the prophets, and the saints, spoke truth to power at a great cost. Corrupt powers always attempt to silence the oppressed and distort the truth for their benefit. We are grateful for the journalists who are providing a voice to the voiceless and we honor their sacrifices. Lord, strengthen all those in Gaza who are working for goodness, acting as your hands and feet during these dark times.
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, the response of the Western Church has disappointed the Palestinian people. Some Churches have provided theological justification for the bloodshed while others remain silent. Only a few have spoken out on the side of justice and mercy. In response, Palestinian Christians issued an open letter calling Western Churches to repent and, “Learn to do right; seek justice; defend the oppressed.”

• God of love, we believe that justice is love made public. The Global Church must do more to be a witness of Christ, to be salt of the earth, a shining light in the darkness. Any theology which promotes oppression should be challenged. Likewise, any lukewarm stance must be reformed and repented of. We thank you Lord, for the Churches who are standing for what is right, witnessing to your heart for the oppressed.
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

November 2nd marks the 106th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. This declaration, expressed British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine without considering the rights of the native population. It is widely recognized as a significant factor that set the stage for the forced displacement of Palestinians.  Foreign interference, spanning from that time until today, has consistently hindered the pursuit of justice and peace for everyone in the Palestine-Israel.

 God who advocates for the oppressed, generations of Palestinians have witnessed how the West facilitates their oppression. This is being observed today as the West is assisting in the continuation of suffering of all in Palestine-Israel, particularly the people of Gaza. Lord, we come before you to advocate for those who are in the margins and judge the powers which perpetuate inequality and oppression.
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer.    

Next week, Kumi Now will focus on Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination. In recent times, there has been an alarming increase in hate crimes targeting Muslims, accompanied by efforts within Western media to unjustly associate all Muslims with violence. This Islamophobia is used in propaganda efforts, perpetuating violent, and racist depictions of Palestinians. 

• God of inclusivity, as we witness a rise of Islamophobia, especially in the media, we pray for the courage to challenge all hate crimes, unjust associations, and racist colonial depictions against and of Muslims. Lord, may we be witnesses to your love for all people by lifting a prophetic voice and resisting nonviolently against Islamophobia through our actions.    
Lord in your mercy... hear our prayer

 We join the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Canada, and the United States.
Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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