WoP 7/09/2023

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Sabeel Center

Sep 4, 2023, 8:00:02 AM9/4/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

Next week, Kumi Now Online will shed light on how the illegal Israeli occupation has harmed the city of Bethlehem. The economy of Bethlehem has suffered significantly due to its confinement by the Apartheid wall, which severely limits the freedom of movement for Palestinians. Additionally, this situation has had an adverse impact on the religious practices on both Christian and Muslim Palestinians, as they are unable to visit certain Holy sites.

Lord Christ, we pray for the city of Your birth whose residents are suffering from the realities of being occupied by a foreign ruler. This is something you are familiar with. As Kumi Now Online shines a light on the challenges brought about by the unjust Israeli occupation, we humbly ask for your mercy and intervention. May the barriers that enclose Bethlehem be dismantled and replaced by bridges of compassion.                         Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Three weeks ago, Agzaya al-Kar’aan, aged 51-year-old, was deported to the blockaded Gaza Strip after 32 years of living in Israel under the pretext that she does not have Israeli residency. Al-Kar’aan was forced to leave behind her 12 children, the youngest of whom is eight years old. This decision by Israeli authorities was made in a matter of hours. Thankfully, Al-Kar’aan was able to return to her family shortly after.

Divine consoler, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to comfort Al-Kar’aan and her family. We lift up their suffering and sadness to Your merciful heart. May we remember all Palestinian families who are separated because of Israel’s cruel policies and hope that Al-Kar’aan will be to remain permanently with her family.                                                        Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

In the past few weeks, Swimmers from all over the world took part in the ‘SwimWithGaza’ campaign, which aimed at raising awareness of the evil siege imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip. They participated in their thousands from all around the world holding banners in support of Gaza.

God of power and might, we thank you for their dedication, their selflessness, and their determination to bring awareness to the plight of those suffering. May their united message spread across the world and more people join in solidarity for the Palestinian people.                                                                                                                                          Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 30th of August, hundreds of Google employees and pro-Palestine activists participated in a demonstration in San Francisco, California, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. This demonstration calls for the end of the company's contract with the Israeli government and army which helps maintain the system of Apartheid in Palestine.  

Heavenly Father, bless the efforts of the various tech workers and supporters of Palestine who peacefully raised their voices to advocate for justice, equality, and human rights. May their demonstration multiply and expand to more cities.                        Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 30th of August, Sabeel Jerusalem held a meeting with Jerusalem activists and leaders of Palestinian Churches. In this meeting, discussions were made regarding the reality of Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem in light of recent attacks against Christians and land sales by several Christian Churches to settler organizations.  

Resurrected Christ, grant those who attended the meeting wisdom, discernment, and the strength to address the reality of their situation. May they be light and salt of the earth through their actions and leadership. We pray that these meetings be translated into actions which witness to Your goodness and mercy.                                                         Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Last Friday and Saturday, Sabeel Jerusalem held a bazaar in honor of the Assumption of Mary. In the Bazaar, Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and surrounding areas sold and celebrated Palestinian culture, food, and their native Christian practices. This was intended to revive a dying tradition surrounding the Assumption of Mary in Jerusalem.

Eternal God, we lift up the recent Sabeel bazaar held in honor of the Assumption of Mary, where the vibrant spirit and tradition of Palestinian Christians was exhibited. We thank all those who participated, volunteered, and organized the Sabeel bazaar. May this initiative inspire more Palestinian Christians to celebrate their identity through their culture and tradition.                                                                                                               Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo.                                                                                                                    Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer




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