Pray with Sabeel

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Sabeel Center

Nov 20, 2023, 6:58:06 AM11/20/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

With every minute that passes, the situation in Gaza worsens. According to several sources, Israel has dropped the equivalent of two nuclear bombs in explosives on one of the most densely populated areas in the globe. While intense bombings and fighting continues in the north of Gaza, the south is also bombed frequently. All of Gaza is facing a severe humanitarian crisis; nowhere is safe.

Sovereign Lord, the blood of the thousands of lives lost is crying out from the ground, haunting us day and night. The words of prophet Habakkuk remain true to this day, “The law is ignored and justice is never upheld…” We come to you, O Lord, asking for your liberating love, comfort, and strength. Do not let us become numb to the pain of the oppressed as time goes by. Lord, show us the way of genuine solidarity rather than pity or despair.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

Since the 7th of October, the number of Palestinian political prisoners has increased significantly. Among the political prisoners are 200 children and more than 2000 administrative detainees who are being detained indefinitely with no charge or trial. The reported conditions of the prisoners are of torture and overall inhuman treatment. It has been reported that 5 Palestinian detainees have died since their imprisonment. Since 1967, Israel has arrested a reported 1 million Palestinians. Over 200 Israeli hostages remain in Gaza with their security uncertain, as more days pass without a ceasefire.

God of justice, liberator of prisoners, captives, and of all humanity through the incarnation of Christ. We pray that you liberate all who are unjustly incarcerated and held as hostages. As we pray for the captives, we hold on to our faith that “The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.” May we work for liberation on this earth by being agents of your Kingdom.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On November 10th, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem announced that there will be no Christmas festivities this year due to the horrific events in Palestine-Israel. Although festivities will not occur, the Heads of Churches asked congregants to focus on the “spiritual meaning of Christmas” and to both pray for and donate to the victims instead.

Emmanuel, help your Church and its flock discern how best to be witnesses to your care for liberation and justice for the oppressed during the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Lord, encourage us to hold a prophetic voice in our words and deeds, that we may boldly speak against the injustices of this world. Help us to practice what we preach as we seek to build our house on the rock and not on the sand. Help us with our unbelief and grant us a heart of humility.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Over the last week, Israeli forces have raided many areas in the West Bank. At least 200 Palestinians have been killed since the 7th of October and the Israeli army had been levelling the streets with armored bulldozers for several days. At least 15 herding communities: 98 households comprising 828 people, including 313 children, have been displaced due to settler violence or increased movement restrictions since the 7th of October.   

Holy God, abuse, displacement, and death are things you experienced on your flesh 2000 years ago. Lord, we plead for healing to the injured and comfort for those who have lost loved ones. We know that justice for the oppressed is the only thing that will bring true peace.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, medical workers, journalists, taxi and ambulance drivers, and many others, have performed true acts of heroism. They have healed the sick and injured, given a voice to the voiceless, and helped rescue those trapped in the rubble, risking their own lives. At least 44 Palestinian journalists and over 192 Palestinian doctors have died since the 7th of October, with many others injured.

Ÿ God of life, we express gratitude for the courage and steadfastness exhibited by the medical professionals, journalists, taxi drivers, and rescue workers in Gaza. Their unwavering commitment to saving and empowering human life is a powerful reflection of the goodness and compassion within our community. Lord may their acts of love and benevolence inspire and uplift all who strive for freedom, justice, and security. Send your Holy Spirit to all who are injured, sick, and trapped under the rubble.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer         

While the crisis in Gaza and Palestine continues to make news headlines, others around the world are also suffering from conflict. The civil war in Sudan has caused the displacement of at least 6 million people, with reported ethnic killings. The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in displacement and thousands of deaths. People in many other areas in the world such as Somalia, Myanmar, Ukraine, Nepal, continue to suffer.

Ÿ God of the oppressed, help us to understand that the cry for freedom is for all those under oppression and when injustice occurs it is a threat for all peoples around the world. As we struggle to achieve liberation, justice, and peace within our context, let us remember that it is linked to others around the world. God, provide liberation for all peoples and help us foster solidarity for one another.    

Ÿ We join with the world council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of East Timor (Timor Leste), Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers


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