This Week's WoP

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Sabeel Center

Aug 14, 2023, 5:43:38 AM8/14/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

Next Tuesday the 22nd of August, Kumi Now will reflect on the Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism, issued on the 22nd of August, 2006. This declaration was jointly written by several Palestinian Christian leaders addressing the implications and theological corruption of Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism perceives Palestinian presence as an obstacle to God’s plan and believes in the divine sovereignty of Jews in the whole land of Palestine, promoting an exclusivist, violent, and racist theology.

Lord Jesus Christ, give us the courage to challenge any attempts to distort Your Holy word for the sake of oppression and supremacy. We pray that those who have been misled by Christian Zionism to repent and be true witnesses of Your love.
Lord, in Your mercy…

Last Sunday, Thousands of Palestinian and Jewish-Israelis protested in what is called “The March of the Dead”. This was a joint call on the Israeli government to combat the spiralling violence amongst Palestinian communities in Israel, that has claimed 141 lives so far this year. The Israeli state has systematically neglected and removed funds to address the needs of the Palestinian communities in Israel.

• Heavenly Father, we pray for those families who have lost their loved due to the violence in Palestinian communities in Israel this year. We pray for the end of this violence and are grateful for the recent joint protest by Palestinians and Israelis.         Lord in Your mercy…

On Friday the 4th of August, A mob of armed Israeli settlers stormed Burqa east of Ramallah, torching at least two cars and opening fire at Palestinians who were there. Qusai Jamal Ma’atan, aged 19, he was shot dead by the armed settlers and four other Palestinians were wounded. This marks another death of a young Palestinian by armed settlers this year.

Lord, we lament another death of a young Palestinian by armed settlers. We pray for Ma’atan’s family who are grieving their loss and pray for the recovery of the Palestinians who were wounded. Lord in Your mercy...

In the past few weeks, a petition has been circulating among Jewish academics, practitioners, and public figures titled “The Elephant in the Room”. This petition Supports the Israeli protest movement, yet calls on it to embrace equality for Jews and Palestinians within the Green Line and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Moreover, the petition demands from elected leaders, institutions, and governments around the world to confront “The Elephant in the Room”, which is the injustices committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

Dear Lord, we are thankful for our Jewish brethren who showcase their solidarity with the Palestinian people through this petition. We pray that more academics, practitioners, and public figures, follow this petition and discuss the injustices Palestinians face. Lord in Your mercy…  

This week, one of our senior sabeel staff members, Sawsan Bitar, will be part of a small committee of Palestinian Christian leaders planning the annual retreat for all Palestinian clergy from Palestine/Israel. This retreat aims to foster ecumenicism and collaboration for all Christian churches in the land.

Dear Lord, we thank you for all individuals, organizations, and initiatives who strive for ecumenicism, justice, and peace within the Holy land. We pray for wisdom, discernment, and protection over all those participating in the clergy retreat and in the planning committee. Lord in Your mercy…  

This week on Tuesday the 15th, Sabeel will be launching Kathleen Christison’s new book titled “Justice on the Cross: Palestinian Liberation Theology, the Struggle against Israeli Oppression, and the Church”. This book surveys several Liberation Theologies before exploring more deeply Palestinian liberation theology, illuminating the powerful and contextual prophetic voices around the globe.

Gracious God, we thank you for Kathleen’s book which witnesses to the message of hope and liberation that was fulfilled by Christ. We pray that the message of her book spreads across the globe and reaches all people, especially those suffering from oppression. Lord in Your mercy…  

 We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger. Lord in Your mercy…

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