WoP 14/09/2023

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Sabeel Center

Sep 11, 2023, 7:43:02 AM9/11/23
to Jerusalem Wave of Prayer

Next week, Kumi Now will observe the International Day of Peace, which falls on Thursday, September 21st. Our focus will be on advocating for peace in Gaza. Following Hamas’ victory in the 2006 election, Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza which has created one of the worst humanitarian situations in the world.

• Lord, we lift up the precious people of the Gaza Strip who remain steadfast against all odds. We pray for the lifting of the Israeli blockade of Gaza to enable the people to live in dignity.

Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 5th of September, the human rights organization, B’Tselem, uncovered, in a report, how dozens of masked female Israeli soldiers, with dogs, entered homes belonging to the extended Ajlouni family in Hebron. During their raid, Israeli female soldiers forced five women to strip naked in front of their frightened children.

• Lord Christ, You are the protector of the vulnerable. We pray for the Ajlouni family who were humiliated by Israeli soldiers, especially the five women who were forced to strip naked. Lord, restore the dignity of the Palestinian people and convict the hearts of those who sin.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On September 5th, Israeli forces, with armored tractors, stormed the overcrowded Nur Shams refugee camp from several fronts. During their raid, A Palestinian young man, Ayed Samih Abu-Harb, aged 21, was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers.  

• Divine creator, we lament this news. We pray for the comfort of Abu-Harb’s family who have lost their precious grandson, son, and brother. We ask that our hearts will be filled with compassion, compelling us to be courageous by challenging the powers that are killing precious lives.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 3rd of September, fighting broke out between two Eritrean groups, and the Israeli police in south Tel Aviv. The fighting broke out due to an event organized by Israel and the Eritrean embassy, marking 30 years of independence. Critics of the Isaias government saw it as an attempt to celebrate a dictator’s rule. During the fights, Israeli police used brute force including firing live bullets. Over 100 people were reported injured and 19 are seriously injured. Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his intention to expel all African migrants from Israel.

• God of all nations, we pray for our Eritrean brothers and sisters who are suffering for several reasons, amongst them, the racism of Israel. We pray for recovery to those who are injured. May all those suffering from Israel’s racist policy stand with one another in solidarity.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

During world week of peace (between the 16th to the 23rd of September), Friends of Sabeel Australia and other organizations will be conducting worship services, educational events, and acts of support in favour of just peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

• Benevolent God, we thank you for the efforts of Friends of Sabeel Australia and the other organizations that are acting for the goals of justice, liberation, and peace in Palestine-Israel. We pray that these efforts will be blessed by Your Holy Spirit. We also pray for our indigenous brethren in Australia who still suffer from colonialism.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 9th of September, a devastating earthquake struck Morocco. It has been reported that more than 2,000 people are killed, and the toll is expected to rise as rescuers struggle to reach hard-hit remote areas. Many of the areas suffering from the earthquake are not built to withstand such force, making the damages catastrophic.

• Lord Christ, we lift up the people of Morocco who are undergoing a national tragedy. We pray for comfort for those who have lost their loved ones and strength to those fighting for their lives. We pray for all the rescue workers as they try to save every precious life still stuck in the rubble of the fallen buildings.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer 

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Ghana and Nigeria.

 Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer




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