Hi Martin,
Thank you for including the Polygonize function. It skips over lines
that are not noded, which is nice.
The ShapefileWriter creates a shp and dbf file but no shx file. My GIS
apps expect a SHX file when opening a shapefile. How can I instruct
the ShapefileWriter to output a shx file also?
On Aug 6, 10:27 am, "Martin Davis" <
mtncl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've uploaded a new version of JEQL. Features include:
> - Added EXCEPT modifier to starred-table references in select result-list
> - Added support for Date datatype (Date function class, etc)
> - Print command provides a clean output format (but provides code:
> parameter for JEQL code format)
> - imports can now override already-loaded classes
> - val() built-in function to extract a scalar value from a table value
> - Geometry envelope functions: minX, minY, maxX, maxY, width and height