Jenkins and xcodebuild iOS signing

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Jérôme Godbout

Apr 13, 2020, 11:01:57 AM4/13/20
to Jenkins Users


I’m having a hard time to finish my scripted pipeline to automate the iOS building of application from unity. I manage to do into bash console, but for some reason into Jenkins it failed with xcodebuild with codesign.

Executing the following with the same user as Jenkins run into a bash console work, but inside Jenkins the code signing never work (bad login, cannot find profiles…). I have unlock the keychains (also set it to be unlock for 120 min until lock again). I make the private certificate key allowed by all applications. What am I missing to make this work inside Jenkins?! anybody manage to do it?


security list-keychains -s `security list-keychains | xargs` my.keychain-db
security unlock-keychain my.keychain-dbxcodebuild -project Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj -configuration Release -scheme Unity-iPhone -allowProvisioningUpdates build
xcodebuild -project Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj -configuration Release -scheme Unity-iPhone -allowProvisioningUpdates -archivePath ~/my.xcarchive archive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -allowProvisioningUpdates -archivePath ~/my.xcarchive -exportPath ~/my.ipa -exportOptionsPlist ~/exportOptionsAdHoc.plist


Damn why it work in a normal bash and Jenkins toys around with some env settings it seem. How painful something that simple can be…




Jérôme Godbout

Apr 13, 2020, 11:11:31 AM4/13/20

Sorry forgot to put the actual error when doing it into Jenkins:


Check dependencies
10:55:07  Code Signing Error: There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode
10:55:07  Code Signing Error: No profiles for '' were found:  Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.
10:55:07  Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 13.4'

But the account is prevent into xcode under that user and a terminal can perform the same action without issue. Is the bash inside Jenkins running with some different env or restriction? Not another one of those security road block from Jenkins please, I will try to start a python script to do the same command to see if this pass somehow.

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