First time to OPEN SOURCE

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Prathmesh Adsod

Nov 4, 2022, 10:42:56 AM11/4/22
to jenkinsci-gsoc-all-public
Hi ,
I am Prathmesh , I am new to Open Source . I do Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA programming language . During one Internship I have worked on Amazon Web Services . I have also worked on Android and Web as well . I have passion in Technology and Coding .
I have used Open Source software a lot and now want to contribute back from now-onwards.

I will try for GSOC 2023 for the first time .I am new to Open Source contribution so need help from mentors/maintainers/contributors like how to start contributions , from which issues to start etc. 


Kris Stern

Nov 4, 2022, 2:18:44 PM11/4/22
to Prathmesh Adsod, jenkinsci-gsoc-all-public
Hi Prathmesh,

Welcome to the Jenkins community! 

To begin your application process, it would be good to start contributing by means of meaningful pull requests to Jenkins to build up your portfolio, which you can use in your GSoC application (to be opened early next year). The best guide you can use is the website. We have a Contributor Guide at which will be particularly relevant to you. If you have any coding questions you would like to ask during this period leading up to the commencement of the GSoC application period, you can direct these to our Gitter channel dedicated to GSoC, or to any relevant Jenkins channels there. For more info on GSoC per se, please use as a reference. if you have any further questions please let us know. 

Kris Stern

From: <> on behalf of Prathmesh Adsod <>
Sent: 04 November 2022 22:42
To: jenkinsci-gsoc-all-public <>
Subject: First time to OPEN SOURCE
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Prathmesh Adsod

Nov 5, 2022, 1:04:44 AM11/5/22
to Kris Stern, jenkinsci-gsoc-all-public
Thank you for the information sir . 
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