Jenkins Kubernetes Docs Update Project Outline

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Y R Sudhakar

May 4, 2021, 9:11:29 AM5/4/21
to Jenkins Documentation

Hello All,

I am working on Jenkins Kubernetes Docs Update Project  and primarily using Mark E. White as the jenkins contact on this effort. My goal is to get this project deliverables production ready by end of  day 12th July.

Using WWW, Jenkins Kubernetes documentation, GSOD 2021 project proposal as reference and feedback from Mark E, White, from the Jenkins Office Hours Call. following is the the editied version of the initial outline. Please provide your valuable feedback.
  • Outline proposal 

    • Installing Jenkins on Kubernetes

      • Kubernetes concepts

      • Helm chart introduction

      • Other updates after test driving current docs

    • Using the plugin installation manager

      • Extend the “Managing Plugins” page 

      • Can refer to Jenkins infra use of plugin installation manager

      • Updating plugins with plugin installation manager

      • Managing plugin updates as code (pull requests)

    • Using configuration as code (JCasC)

      • Insert as a new page in “System Administration”

      • Configuration as code concept

      • Plugin installation manager use case to manage plugin versions

      • Building a Docker image that contains plugins

    • Kubernetes solutions page

      • Reference installing, plugin installation manager, and JCasC

      • Helm chart use cases for Jenkins controller

        • Ephemeral agents in same cluster (in managing nodes)

        • Ephemeral agents in different cluster

        • Static agents outside cluster (Pi, Android, iPhone, macOS)  (in managing nodes)

      • Tour of “Managing Jenkins” with differences due to kubernetes

        • Effective backup techniques

        • Managing tools

        • Managing workspaces



Mark Waite

May 4, 2021, 9:14:07 AM5/4/21
to Jenkins Documentation
Thanks so much for your willingness to contribute!  That outline looks very good to me.

May I add you to the Jenkins calendar invitation for the weekly Docs office hours?   We've used office hours to discuss Jenkins on Kubernetes before and would be happy to continue discussions there and in this list.

Mark Waite

Y R Sudhakar

May 5, 2021, 2:05:47 AM5/5/21
Hi Mark,

 Please do add me to the docs Jenkins calendar invitation for the weekly Docs office hours and have participated in one productive meeting already.

I will focus on working on the first draft; and later focus on learning the nuts & bolts of integrating to jenkinsci github repository.

I plan on using Markdown. Is it ok?




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Mark Waite

May 6, 2021, 8:48:05 AM5/6/21
to Jenkins Documentation
I've added you to the event calendar.

You'll need to use Asciidoc rather than Markdown.  The site is written in Asciidoc so that we can better control the generation of the final static site.

Mark Waite

Y R Sudhakar

May 6, 2021, 12:05:08 PM5/6/21
Will use AsciiDoc.


Mark Waite

May 7, 2021, 12:31:17 PM5/7/21
to Jenkins Documentation
Thanks very much.

The Jenkins platform SIG meeting today noted that there is a pending change in the Jenkins Docker images that would be very nice to include after the plugin installation manager documentation has been added to the site.

Would you be wiling to change the order of things and add plugin installation manager documentation to the "Managing Plugins" page even before starting on the "Installing Kubernetes" segment?

I'd be happy to host a demonstration and discussion of plugin installation manager at the next Docs office hours (Tuesday morning your time).  You might then be able to use the recording of those office hours to guide the plugin installation manager documentation addition to the "Managing Plugins" page.

Mark Waite

Y R Sudhakar

May 8, 2021, 3:23:23 AM5/8/21
I am familiar (seen a video of Dev Advocate's video) with the use of plugin installation manager.

I am approaching this project to answer the questions "how do I use" and "how do I teach" topics associated with k8s relative to jenkins using my software engineering, cloud computing and teaching experience. So, with this in mind, following is the sequence of activities I have planned.

1. Plugin installation manager user stories documentation.
2. Build docker images for jenkins controller and agents.
3. Explore configuration as code concept and the use of JcasC plugin.
4. Explore various delpoyment scenarios of jenkins using k8s
5. Test drive current "installing k8s" documentation.

Later fit in the documentation artifacts (as mentioned in the outline earlier in this email chain) from the above activities into Jenkins documentation.



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