comment-ops-bot available in jenkinsci and jenkins-infra

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Tim Jacomb

Jul 25, 2022, 4:22:17 AM7/25/22
to Jenkins Developers
Hi all

I've created a comment-ops bot that can be used to help manage issues and pull requests on GitHub.
The features it has currently are:
  • /close
    • Issues only
  • /label <label1,label2,...>
  • /remove-label <label1,label2,...>
  • /reopen
    • Issues only
  • /reviewer(s) <reviewer1[, ]reviewer2[, ]@org/team1...>
  • /transfer <destination_repo>
It can be found at:


Demo at UX sig:

It requires no organization permissions, which means anyone can request a review and add labels to issues and pull requests.

I plan to update the Jenkins core pull request template to suggest users do this in the near future.

Please provide any feedback here or in the issues of the repositories:


Daniel Beck

Jul 25, 2022, 5:46:00 AM7/25/22
On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 10:22 AM Tim Jacomb <> wrote:
It requires no organization permissions, which means anyone can request a review and add labels to issues and pull requests.

What if I don't want randos on the internet messing up labeling of open PRs in repos I maintain?

Tim Jacomb

Jul 25, 2022, 5:56:33 AM7/25/22
to Jenkins Developers
> What if I don't want randos on the internet messing up labeling of open PRs in repos I maintain?
There's an issue here:
I'm not sure how to scale that though, I thought about adding topic controls but that would mean an extra API call on each request eating into rate limits.

There could be a DSL in a config file or environment variable that excludes repositories / repositories:command, but that would mean maintainers would have to opt-out centrally.

The extent of them messing up is limited to the set of labels you have configured and you will get a notification for any action they do.


At Daniel's request I've temporarily limited the repositories in the jenkinsci org to:
  • jenkins
  • design-library-plugin
  • jenkins-infra-test-plugin
This is to gather feedback and in a couple of weeks if there's no objections we can enable globally.


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Alexander Brandes

Jul 25, 2022, 6:03:48 AM7/25/22
to Jenkins Developers

> What if I don't want randos on the internet messing up labeling of open PRs in repos I maintain?

if this is going to be installed on all repositories, should be implemented and outlined in the README how to opt out.
This definitely is a nice tool, but there are people who don't want to use it and that should be respected.

> /transfer <destination_repo>

Transferring issues from one repository to an other may be restricted to organization members only.
Not everyone needs to transfer issues from A to B, given the complexicity and dependants some repositories are governed by, issues may be tranferred to the wrong directions by non org members, if they don't know what to do.

Daniel Beck

Jul 25, 2022, 6:06:31 AM7/25/22

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 12:03 PM Alexander Brandes <> wrote:
opt out.

Can we have review requests enabled by default while label changes are opt in?

Tim Jacomb

Jul 25, 2022, 6:20:35 AM7/25/22
to Jenkins Developers
> Can we have review requests enabled by default while label changes are opt in?

I'm not sure if that would scale across the number of infrequently touched repositories that we have.

There's some good discussion happening in:

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Daniel Beck

Jul 25, 2022, 7:37:56 AM7/25/22
On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 12:20 PM Tim Jacomb <> wrote:
> Can we have review requests enabled by default while label changes are opt in?

I'm not sure if that would scale across the number of infrequently touched repositories that we have.

Infrequently touched repos are the problem for overly permissive defaults, since it would take forever for someone with a higher level of access to notice vandalism and fix it up.

The link does not discuss opt in, just how to define an opt out. That's the wrong question to ask.

Tim Jacomb

Jul 25, 2022, 8:23:06 AM7/25/22
to Jenkins Developers
I think something like this should sort out the concerns of permissive defaults:

something along the lines of (allowed at org and repo level):

    - name: transfer
      permission: member
      enabled: true
    - name: labels
      permission: member
      allowed_labels: ['enhancement', 'chore', 'bug']
      enabled: true
    - name: close
      enabled: false
    - name: reopen
      enabled: false

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