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Migrate chat channels from freenode to

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Tim Jacomb

May 26, 2021, 6:56:56 AM5/26/21
to Jenkins Developers,
Hi all,

I would like to propose moving the following channels that currently live on freenode to
  • #jenkins
  • #jenkins-hosting
  • #jenkins-infra
  • #jenkins-release
There's been some very user / FOSS hostile behaviour from the owner of freenode, latest example can be seen in

Implementation is:
  • Update
  • Let people currently in the channel know
  • Update ircbot to connect to new server and create new credentials
There's been other conversations about moving the community to places like discourse and replacing the ircbot with Jira webhooks, but I don't believe that this is the right thread for those.

ircbot does more than just hosting, it manages github permissions and Jira components as well.
Any changes to ircbot require or Jira webhook integration requires interested contributors to build solutions.



May 26, 2021, 7:27:36 AM5/26/21
to Jenkins Developers ML
Hi Tim,

Thanks for bootstrapping this, I definitely support moving from Freenode to
I have a limited bandwidth capacity at the moment but I'll try to help as soon as I can.
I think it's better to first move away from Freenode and then start a discussion about the default communication channel we want to use.
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Oleg Nenashev

May 26, 2021, 7:28:26 AM5/26/21
to Jenkins Infrastructure, Jenkins Developers
Hi all,

I definitely support such a move. For the record we've had a discussion about the migration among the Jenkins governance board and infra/security members. I believe we have a consensus that we want to move, effective as soon as possible. I also support moving all the listed channels. We have other channels, but all of them are rather dead or redundant.

Notes about channels:
  • I would like to keep #jenkins equivalent, but not as a declared default channel. We could create #jenkins-users and #jenkins-dev similar to the mailing lists. Discourse would be indeed preferable for many subjects, and the IRC channels might become redundant (see the parallel thread)
  • Private CERT chat is not a problem, we can just discontinue it in favor of mailing lists
  • #jenkins-release and #jenkins-infra can be moved to Libera chat or any other chat like Gitter or CDF Slack. I have a preference to keep them on the same platform with conversation history by default
  • #jenkins-hosting can be moved anywhere or just replaced by some form of GitHub/Jira integration bot
  • #jenkins-meeting and #jenkins-hackhouse can be deleted. For meetings, if needed, we can create #jenkins-governance later
Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

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Oleg Nenashev

May 26, 2021, 9:58:32 AM5/26/21
to Jenkins Developers
Thanks to Alex Earl for the IRCBot migration!

I think we should not wait until the next Governance meeting if there is a strong consensus in the mailing list. This is a time sensitive topic, and we need to migrate away as soon as possible IMHO

Damien Duportal

May 26, 2021, 10:57:04 AM5/26/21
to Jenkins Developers
Thanks y'all for stepping so fast on this topic!

Seems a good idea to quickly move on Libera, and delay the "default community channel" to later, with a proper community discussion.

If anything is required on the infra's side, I can take over while Olivier is not available, and handover back afterwards.


Basil Crow

May 26, 2021, 10:57:22 AM5/26/21
+1. I opened a PR to cover updating the references on

FYI see the project registration instructions here:

Oleg Nenashev

May 26, 2021, 11:01:06 AM5/26/21
to JenkinsCI Developers
FYI see the project registration instructions here:
AFAICT from the Governance Board discussion, Gavin and Olivier have already submitted a registration request.
It just takes time to process

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Gavin Mogan

May 26, 2021, 2:12:52 PM5/26/21
to Jenkins Developers
Project registration has been completed since Saturday I think. 

I've removed the channel locks so anyone can create can register channels, project owners can claim the channel if it ever becomes an issue.

Cloaks can be requested by any group member.

Jenkins group members:
Primary (can claim. Can manage group member lists)
halkeye (me)

Secondary (primary plus requesting cloaks for users)
Nobody yet

We have jenkins/* reserved
I'm thinking jenkins/contributor/$nick for most people, then maybe board specific if we care.

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Tim Jacomb

May 26, 2021, 3:15:11 PM5/26/21
The ircbot has been moved over

Tim Jacomb

May 28, 2021, 4:00:45 AM5/28/21
to Jenkins Developers
Thanks all

Last call for any feedback before we merge the PR

The channels have all been set up.

If you had 'voice' on freenode and want it on Libera then please verify yourself with someone who has voice/op on libera out of band (email / gitter / github, etc).
A number of people have left freenode and deleted their accounts already.

Oleg Nenashev

May 28, 2021, 5:24:54 PM5/28/21
to Jenkins Developers
+1 for going ahead and making the changes official
Maybe we need a short announcement blog, WDYT?

Mark Waite

May 28, 2021, 5:29:16 PM5/28/21
to jenkinsci-dev

Oleg Nenashev

Jun 11, 2021, 4:22:30 AM6/11/21
to Jenkins Developers
Hi all,

As many other colleagues, I was banned from Freenode this night without any prior notice. I think it's time to officially proclaim Freenode IRC dead for the Jenkins community, and to make an announcement about our migration to Libera Chat. Any objections? I can make this announcement if others are busy.

Thanks to Gavin, Tim, Olivier and all contributors for driving the migration of our IRC channels and automation.

Best regards,


Baptiste Mathus

Jun 13, 2021, 4:53:40 PM6/13/21
to Jenkins Developers
Agreed, time to move on. 

BTW I see is already updated, what do you have in mind in terms of comm? Like a blog and some twitter relaying I suppose?


Jun 14, 2021, 9:35:06 AM6/14/21
to Jenkins Developers ML
Imho the blogpost is the most important if someone is available to write something :)
Not everybody monitors jenkins-infra/ pull requests :p

Oleg Nenashev

Jun 15, 2021, 2:38:49 AM6/15/21
to JenkinsCI Developers
Blogpost or maybe just a Discourse announcement. We can try the latter to optimize time spent on writing.

For socual media purposes, discourse is perfectly fine with me

Oleg Nenashev

Jun 17, 2021, 12:58:37 AM6/17/21
to Jenkins Developers
IRC migration announcement is ready for review: 
Thanks to Mark for starting the blog and to Daniel for the feedback.

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