[Jenkins public infra (*.jenkins.io)] LDAP disruptions for Kubernetes 1.30 upgrade

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Stéphane MERLE

Feb 20, 2025, 10:05:27 AM (13 days ago) Feb 20
to Jenkins Developers
Hello dear Jenkins contributors,

As described in https://status.jenkins.io/issues/2025-02-19-maintenance-azure-publick8s-1-30/, today (Thursday 20 February) at 02:30pm UTC we'll proceed with a Kubernetes upgrade of the Jenkins infra public cluster.

Expect disruption with logging-in / out on all the "*.jenkins.io" or "*.jenkins-ci.org" websites (including ci.jenkins.io, JIRA and Artifactory).
Builds and deployments should continue as usual.

The operation is expected to take between 60 to 120 minutes.

For the Jenkins Infra team,
Stéphane MERLE

Stéphane MERLE

Feb 20, 2025, 2:17:39 PM (13 days ago) Feb 20
to Jenkins Developers
operation finished with success but we had an outage of 2 to 3 mn on update center that we need to analyse further.

For the Jenkins Infra Team,
Stéphane MERLE
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