If you _really_ want to: It's a new, different plugin. Start over, creating a new plugin with the new name. Copy all code over. Change the package name, so the fully qualified class names are different (perhaps use this opportunity for a little cleanup of backwards compatibility code). Mark the old plugin as deprecated. Think about the expected behavior when both plugins are installed, in particular any configuration/data migration (or don't and let users reconfigure everything). Consider creating an administrative monitor requesting that users uninstall the old plugin if both the old and new plugin are installed and enabled. This gets even more difficult if any other plugins declare a dependency on the obsolete one.
This is really hard to do well, and I don't think it has been done in a long time in any plugin that can be considered even a little popular. All of the old Pipeline-related plugins are still named "workflow-whatever" despite the user-visible name having changed six years ago.