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Trademark sublicense request: TechMatrix Jenkins Support

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Yuji Tachibana

Oct 9, 2020, 10:51:06 AM10/9/20
to Jenkins Developers

This is Yuji from TechMatrix, a distributor of CloudBees products in Japan


I'd like to request the permission to use the following name that uses "Jenkins" in it:

"TechMatrix Jenkins Support"


The following is the brief introduction of what we are trying to launch is; TechMatrix Jenkins Support is a technical support service for Jenkins by our certified Jenkins engineers(CCJE).

We provide technical support as below via email to our customers who have challenges to use Jenkins.

- teaching how to use/manage Jenkins

- helping their trouble shooting


If you need more detailed information, please let me know.


FYI, 2 years ago, Mr. Kohsuke Kawaguchi posted the following on behalf of us and we got approval to use "TechMatrix Jenkins Platform Package for X"


Best Regards,

Yuji Tachibana

TechMatrix Corp.

Oleg Nenashev

Oct 13, 2020, 5:22:12 PM10/13/20
to Jenkins Developers

It worth mentioning that the "CompanyName Jenkins Support" naming pattern has been approved a few years ago for CloudBees Jenkins Support: . Based on this precedent, I am +1 for approving the current trademark request for "TechMatrix Jenkins Support".

My personal preference would be to follow the Linux Foundation trademark usage patterns,. In such case the name would be "TechMatrix Support for Jenkins", "TechMatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins" or something like that.

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev


Oct 13, 2020, 5:46:59 PM10/13/20
Agreed on the approval and possible recommendations. It would be good to start following the Linux FDN for these things.

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Oleg Nenashev

Oct 13, 2020, 5:49:20 PM10/13/20
to Jenkins Developers
> It would be good to start following the Linux FDN for these things.

I will add it to the tomorrow's agenda

Mark Waite

Oct 13, 2020, 6:29:38 PM10/13/20
to jenkinsci-dev

Mark Waite

Oct 13, 2020, 6:30:36 PM10/13/20
to jenkinsci-dev
Ugh, I wanted to reply that I like the Linux Foundation format and being able to use pre-approve authorizations that use a standard form.

Alyssa Tong

Oct 13, 2020, 6:40:47 PM10/13/20
to Jenkins Dev
+1 on the approval and the Linux FDN suggested naming convention.

Yuji Tachibana

Oct 15, 2020, 8:36:38 AM10/15/20
to Jenkins Developers
Thank you for checking my request and sorry for not responding soon.
I'm totally fine with using "TechMatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins" under the trademark policy of Linux Foundation.
Please share the result, when the decision is made by board meeting, 

Best Regards,

2020年10月14日水曜日 7:40:47 UTC+9 alytong13:

Arnaud Héritier

Oct 15, 2020, 8:55:50 AM10/15/20
to Jenkins Developers
+1 too for "TechMatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins" or  "TechMatrix Jenkins Support"
I agree that it could be good to follow Linux FDN convention as Yuji is ok with it

Arnaud Héritier
Twitter/Skype : aheritier

Oleg Nenashev

Oct 15, 2020, 4:40:06 PM10/15/20
to Jenkins Developers
Hello Yuji,

Just to summarize the yesterday's Governance Board review:
  • We recommend using the Linux Foundation trademark usage guidelines. "TechMatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins" or a similar name are approved as long as the naming pattern is followed.
  • Based on the previous precedent, we approve "TechMatrix Jenkins Support" should TechMatrix have a preference to use this trademark
  • The final name choice is up to TechMatrix. Please let us know about your final decision in this thread.
Regarding the trademarks discussion in general:
  • At the Governance meeting we approved further adoption of the Linux Foundation trademark guidelines, with pre-approved patterns.
  • We reviewed a few examples on public cloud Marketplaces, and we confirm that many distribution vendors have neither requested a trademark sublicense nor following the Linux Foundation naming patterns. The consensus is that we are okay with historical distributions having clear distinctions in the name (“E.g. Jenkins distribution by AcmeCorp”). Final policy is to be defined during the trademark policy renewal.
Best regards,

Yuji Tachibana

Oct 15, 2020, 8:45:03 PM10/15/20
to Jenkins Developers
Hello, Oleg

Thank you for sharing the contents of board meeting.
We would like to use the name  "TechMatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins" 
After your final confirmation, we will announce to its launch to our market.  

Best Regards,

2020年10月16日金曜日 5:40:06 UTC+9 Oleg Nenashev:

Oleg Nenashev

Oct 16, 2020, 2:56:02 AM10/16/20
to JenkinsCI Developers

I believe we discussed this option explicitly at the governance meeting.
Please consider it confirmed.

Best regards,

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Yuji Tachibana

Oct 19, 2020, 2:59:06 AM10/19/20
to Jenkins Developers
Hello Oleg,

>Please consider it confirmed.  
OK, we will publish a launch of Techmatrix Enterprise Support for Jenkins.
Thank you very much for your understanding and quick response.

2020年10月16日金曜日 15:56:02 UTC+9 Oleg Nenashev:

Oleg Nenashev

Oct 19, 2020, 5:09:19 PM10/19/20
to JenkinsCI Developers
Ack, thanks for the update!
We will update the trademark documentation accordingly.

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