Further component renames/deletions in Jira

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Daniel Beck

Nov 8, 2014, 8:23:48 PM11/8/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
A few days ago I renamed most components in Jira as decided in the governance meeting to add a -plugin suffix to each name (foo -> foo-plugin) to make it clear to users that e.g. 'logging' or 'slave-setup' are plugins and not general topics.

The following lists are about plugin-related components that should be renamed as well, but aren't as straightforward. Please tell me whether you disagree with any rename/deletion proposals, or want to provide alternatives. I'd like to get confirmation on Wednesday's meeting that I can implement (parts of) this.


List of components with unsolved problems
jmeter (plugin not found, but issues got filed?)
skype-notifier / skype-plugin (the repos and plugin names with 'skype' are a mess)
libvirtslave / libvirt-slave-plugin have different leads, which to merge into the other? Ask the two leads about it.
literate is also lib and api, so how to rename? New components needed? Ask Stephen.
jenkins-reviewbot (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins-Reviewbot), rename to reviewbot-plugin to get rid of jenkins- prefix? Ask author about naming.
terminate-ssh-processes (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Ssh+processes+check+plugin) - Check vs. Terminate, ask author.
backup-interrupt (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Backup+and+interrupt+running+job+plugin) / backup-jobs-plugin - Which name to use? Ask author.

Proposed component changes (with additional remarks after //)
jenkins-admin: delete component metrics-ganglia-plugin and move its issues to codahale-metrics-ganglia-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component codahale-metrics-ganglia-plugin to metrics-ganglia-plugin // delete then rename preserves component lead
jenkins-admin: delete component metrics-graphite-plugin and move its issues to codahale-metrics-graphite-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component codahale-metrics-graphite-plugin to metrics-graphite-plugin // delete then rename preserves component lead
jenkins-admin: delete component metrics-plugin and move its issues to codahale-metrics-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component codahale-metrics-plugin to metrics-plugin // delete then rename preserves component lead
jenkins-admin: rename component codahale-metrics-librato-plugin to metrics-librato-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component blazemeterjenkinsplugin to blazemeter-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component builton-column to builton-column-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component disablefailedjobplugin to disable-failed-job-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component dynamic_extended_choice_parameter to dynamic-extended-choice-parameter-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component externalresource-dispatcher to external-resource-dispatcher-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component gatekeeperplugin to gatekeeper-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component gitlab-merge-request-jenkins to gitlab-merge-request-builder-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component graphiteintegrator to graphite-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component groovy-remote to groovy-remote-control-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component hall-jenkins to hall-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component http_request to http-request-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component jdk_parameter_plugin to jdk-parameter-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component jenkins-cloudformation to cloudformation-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component jenkins-jira-issue-updater to jira-issue-updater-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component jenkins-tag-cloud to tag-cloud-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component keepslaveoffline to keep-slave-offline-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component kiuwanjenkinsplugin to kiuwan-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component kmap-jenkins to kmap-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component lavalampnotifier to lavalamp-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component loaderio-jenkins to loaderio-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component mailcommander to mail-commander-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component neoload-jenkins to neoload-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component nodeofflinenotification to node-offline-notification-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component prescmbuildstep to pre-scm-buildstep-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component rapiddeploy-jenkins to rapiddeploy-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component sicci_for_xcode to sicci-for-xcode-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component skytap to skytap-cloud-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component sladiator-notifier to sladiator-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component stashbranchparameter to stash-branch-parameters-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component thinBackup to thin-backup-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component twilionotifier to twilio-notifier-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete hckrnews-plugin and move its issues to hcknews
jenkins-admin: rename component hcknews to hckrnews-plugin // delete then rename preserves component lead
jenkins-admin: delete ivytrigger-plugin and move its issues to ivyttrigger
jenkins-admin: rename component ivyttrigger to ivytrigger-plugin // delete then rename preserves component lead
jenkins-admin: delete assembla-jenkins and move its issues to assembla-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete built-on-column-plugin and move its issues to builton-column-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete collabnet-uc4-deploy and move its issues to collabnet-automic-deploy
jenkins-admin: delete hudson-pview and move its issues to pview-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete hudsontrayapp and move its issues to trayapp
jenkins-admin: delete jclouds-jenkins and move its issues to jclouds-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete jenkins-flowdock and move its issues to flowdock-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete jenkins-leiningen and move its issues to leiningen-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete jenkins-testswarm and move its issues to testswarm-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete jenkinswalldisplay and move its issues to walldisplay-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete klockwork and move its issues to klocwork-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete radiatorviewplugin and move its issues to radiatorview-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete relution-publisher and move its issues to relution-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete ruby-runtime and move its issues to ruby-runtime-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete hudsontrayapp and move its issues to trayapp
jenkins-admin: delete weibo4jenkins and move its issues to weibo-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete safe-restart and move its issues to saferestart-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component adaptiveplugin to adaptive-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+Adaptive+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component antepediareporter-ci to antepediareporter-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/AntepediaReporter-CI-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component appio to appio-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/App.io+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component assembla-auth to assembla-auth-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Assembla+Auth+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component build-flow-extensions to build-flow-extensions-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Flow+Extensions+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component buildresulttrigger to buildresulttrigger-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/BuildResultTrigger+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component CocoaPods to cocoapods-plugin // "CocoaPods Jenkins Integration"
jenkins-admin: rename component devstack to devstack-plugin // "DevStack Plugin", no issues
jenkins-admin: rename component google-calendar to google-calendar-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Google+Calendar+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component heroku-jenkins to heroku-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Heroku+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component idobata-notifier to idobata-notifier-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Idobata+Notifier
jenkins-admin: rename component ikachan to ikachan-plugin // "Ikachan Plugin"
jenkins-admin: rename component internetmeme to internetmeme-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Internet+Meme+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component mcap-eas to mcap-eas-plugin // "mcap-eas-plugin" 0 users
jenkins-admin: rename component jenkow-activiti-designer to jenkow-activiti-designer-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkow+Activiti+Designer
jenkins-admin: rename component jenkow-activiti-explorer to jenkow-activiti-explorer-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkow+Activiti+Explorer
jenkins-admin: rename component monkit to monkit-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/MonKit+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component nexus-task-runner to nexus-task-runner-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Nexus+Task+Runner+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component nopmdcheck to nopmdcheck-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/nopmdcheck+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component nopmdverifytrac to nopmdverifytrac-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/nopmdverifytrac+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component openscada-jenkins-exporter to openscada-exporter-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/openSCADA+Exporter
jenkins-admin: rename component perfectomobile to perfectomobile-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/MobileCloud+for+Jenkins+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component perl to perl-plugin // "build perl application"
jenkins-admin: rename component pragprog to pragprog-plugin // "https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Pragprog+Plugin"
jenkins-admin: rename component prereq-buildstep to prerequisite-buildstep-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Prerequisite+build+step+plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component project-health-report to project-health-report-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Project+Health+Report+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component project-inheritance to inheritance-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/inheritance-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component python-wrapper to python-wrapper-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Python+Wrapper+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component rubymotion to rubymotion-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+RubyMotion+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component show-build-parameters to show-build-parameters-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Show+Build+Parameters+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component slave-utilization to slave-utilization-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Slave+Utilization+Plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component svn-workspace-cleaner to svn-workspace-cleaner-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/SVN+Workspace+Cleaner
jenkins-admin: rename component sonar to sonar-plugin // "Sonar Plugin"
jenkins-admin: rename component ssscm to ssscm-plugin // "SSSCM"
jenkins-admin: rename component suite-test-groups-publisher to suite-test-groups-publisher-plugin // "suite-test-groups-publisher"
jenkins-admin: rename component testexecuter to testexecutor-plugin // "TestExecuter"
jenkins-admin: rename component url-auth to url-auth-plugin // "Url Auth" "Allows for authenication using URL's."
jenkins-admin: rename component zmq-event-publisher to zmq-event-publisher-plugin // "Event Publisher (via ZMQ PUB SUB)"
jenkins-admin: rename component jslint to jslint-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/JSLint+plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component bees-sdk to bees-sdk-plugin
jenkins-admin: rename component dotci to dotci-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete perfectomobile-jenkins and move its issues to perfectomobile-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete pretest-commit and move its issues to pretested-integration-plugin // https://github.com/jenkinsci/pretested-integration-plugin/commit/ba656f8e043d54c30d15b81c2917f828ccec4080
jenkins-admin: delete cocoapods-integration and move its issues to cocoapods-plugin // no issues
jenkins-admin: delete jenkinswalldisplay-pom and move its issues to other // no issues
jenkins-admin: delete jbpm-embedded and move its issues to other // no issues
jenkins-admin: delete jenkins-tracker and move its issues to other // "Tracker Plugin", "Sends build information to a Pivotal Tracker project", only falsely assigned issues
jenkins-admin: delete kohsuke-test and move its issues to other // WHO ASSIGNS ISSUES TO A COMPONENT LIKE THAT?!
jenkins-admin: delete etcd and move its issues to other // no issues
jenkins-admin: delete columnsplugin and move its issues to other
jenkins-admin: delete rally-update-plugin-1 and move its issues to other // no issues
jenkins-admin: delete rallybuild and move its issues to other(no issues
jenkins-admin: delete release-multi-test and move its issues to other // "release-multi-test", no issues
jenkins-admin: delete release-test and move its issues to other // "release-test", no issues
jenkins-admin: delete etcd and move its issues to other
jenkins-admin: delete kohsuke-test and move its issues to other
jenkins-admin: rename component play-autotest to play-autotest-plugin // https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/play-plugin
jenkins-admin: delete component and move its issues to other // PRAQMA support? Seems unreleased, and issue unrelated, so just remove
jenkins-admin: delete sms-notification and move its issues to sms-plugin // was renamed and both exist on the UC

Oleg Nenashev

Nov 9, 2014, 5:03:58 AM11/9/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com, m...@beckweb.net

The proposed changes LGTM.
Regarding undecided questions:
  • jmeter
    • It can be merged into performance-plugin
  • skype: 
    • Let's rename components to skype-im-plugin (it's a name of its GitHub repo)
BR, Oleg

воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г., 4:23:48 UTC+3 пользователь Daniel Beck написал:


Nov 9, 2014, 8:47:07 AM11/9/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
The is at least one (probably more) plugins where the source is not in jenkinsci github.

Should these plugins be removed from jira to avoid confusion?

Cucumber html reports - I'm looking at you...

Daniel Beck

Nov 9, 2014, 4:17:08 PM11/9/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
Currently we don't really require repos to be in the jenkinsci org (or to maintain repos there, or to release from there, or to have a link to the plugin page in the Jenkins Wiki in the plugin metadata). We've recently discussed this a bit in the governance meeting, see the Oct 15 minutes at [1].

This is an independent discussion -- please start a separate thread for that if you want to discuss this further.

1: http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2014/jenkins.2014-10-15-18.02.html
> --
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Stephen Connolly

Nov 10, 2014, 5:30:57 AM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
On 9 November 2014 01:16, Daniel Beck <m...@beckweb.net> wrote:
A few days ago I renamed most components in Jira as decided in the governance meeting to add a -plugin suffix to each name (foo -> foo-plugin) to make it clear to users that e.g. 'logging' or 'slave-setup' are plugins and not general topics.

The following lists are about plugin-related components that should be renamed as well, but aren't as straightforward. Please tell me whether you disagree with any rename/deletion proposals, or want to provide alternatives. I'd like to get confirmation on Wednesday's meeting that I can implement (parts of) this.


List of components with unsolved problems
jmeter (plugin not found, but issues got filed?)
skype-notifier / skype-plugin (the repos and plugin names with 'skype' are a mess)
libvirtslave / libvirt-slave-plugin have different leads, which to merge into the other? Ask the two leads about it.
literate is also lib and api, so how to rename? New components needed? Ask Stephen.

There should be two components:


The literate-api is a separate beast that is potentially independent of Jenkins in order to allow people to develop additional tooling, we may even move it to its own github org if it proves popular enough (which presupposes I get enough time to push it to a 1.0)

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 8:38:46 AM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com

On 10.11.2014, at 11:30, Stephen Connolly <stephen.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There should be two components:
> literate-api
> literate-plugin
> The literate-api is a separate beast that is potentially independent of Jenkins in order to allow people to develop additional tooling, we may even move it to its own github org if it proves popular enough (which presupposes I get enough time to push it to a 1.0)

Thanks for the clarification!


I'd like to add

rename ghprb-plugin to github-pull-request-builder-plugin

to the list of suggestions. The current name appears to be difficult to find for end users.


Nov 10, 2014, 10:58:24 AM11/10/14
to Jenkins Developers
+1 for the rename, 
but would we not need some kind of aliasing in the core for to ease renaming.
after all, there are plugins which have dependencies to others in the code by there name like this (or similar):  updateCenter.getPlugin(“ghprb”) 

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 11:21:28 AM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
This is just about the Jira component. Independent of plugin artifactId, repo name, wiki page name, or anything else.


Nov 10, 2014, 11:33:42 AM11/10/14
to Jenkins Developers
ah soory, sure - you’r right!
…sorry for the noise...

Jesse Glick

Nov 10, 2014, 1:19:35 PM11/10/14
to Jenkins Dev
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Daniel Beck <m...@beckweb.net> wrote:
> This is just about the Jira component. Independent of plugin artifactId, repo name, wiki page name, or anything else.

-1; I think JIRA component names should consistently follow the plugin

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 1:28:57 PM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com

On 10.11.2014, at 19:19, Jesse Glick <jgl...@cloudbees.com> wrote:

> -1; I think JIRA component names should consistently follow the plugin
> shortName.

The short names are almost never exposed on the UI. Are you going to fix all the crap that gets filed because regular users simply cannot find components like "ghprb"? Or 'backup-jobs' that is called "Backup and interrupt running job plugin" everywhere else?

Renaming plugins with weird short names isn't really possible (we have enough duplication in the UC because some devs did it anyway). Renaming components to make them more easily discoverable is.

We could add a reference the short name, repo and/or plugin wiki URL to the component descriptions, so a simple text search on the components list would find what you're looking for.

Jesse Glick

Nov 10, 2014, 2:15:10 PM11/10/14
to Jenkins Dev
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Daniel Beck <m...@beckweb.net> wrote:
> Renaming plugins with weird short names isn't really possible

I think we should focus on fixing that, rather than introducing ad-hoc
inconsistencies to a small percentage of cases that will invariably
lead to a hard-to-notice bug.

If every JIRA component were taken from some human-displayable text
(such as POM <name>), it would be another matter. But there is an
expectation set up that the correspondence between component name and
shortName is regular.

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 2:38:58 PM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
> I think we should focus on fixing that, rather than introducing ad-hoc
> inconsistencies to a small percentage of cases that will invariably
> lead to a hard-to-notice bug.

Since the component names and plugin short names are generally different anyway, what bug could possibly result from this? Or rather, in what code?

> If every JIRA component were taken from some human-displayable text
> (such as POM <name>), it would be another matter. But there is an
> expectation set up that the correspondence between component name and
> shortName is regular.

Since when? And where is that even needed? And why would the solution I mentioned not work?

Jesse Glick

Nov 10, 2014, 3:19:12 PM11/10/14
to Jenkins Dev
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Daniel Beck <m...@beckweb.net> wrote:
> Since the component names and plugin short names are generally different anyway

They are? I thought the idea was to make these be fully aligned.
(Modulo addition of -plugin suffix.)

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 3:41:54 PM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
> I thought the idea was to make these be fully aligned.

This request has multiple goals, none of them are about the short name:

- Remove redundant or unused components (the latter only if no related repo or plugin can be found)
- Add the plugin suffix for components I skipped in the first run (because I e.g. didn't find the repo to confirm the plugin exists)
- Improve discoverability (for Jira's prefix search in the Component/s field), and in some rare cases readability of the component names

> They are? [...]
> (Modulo addition of -plugin suffix.)

True, that's the only main difference for most of them.

However, as an example, there are over 30 plugins whose short name contain 'jenkins', about a dozen of them are using it as prefix. Needless to say, this is redundant and makes the components more difficult to find.

And then there are plugins like those I mentioned whose display names are significantly different from their real names, for whatever reasons.

It really makes no sense to hide short names everywhere from users (AFAICT except the delete confirmation screen, which can probably be considered a bug), and then require them to use that short name to file an issue against a specific plugin.

Jesse Glick

Nov 10, 2014, 3:55:22 PM11/10/14
to Jenkins Dev
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Daniel Beck <m...@beckweb.net> wrote:
> However, as an example, there are over 30 plugins whose short name contain 'jenkins', about a dozen of them are using it as prefix. Needless to say, this is redundant and makes the components more difficult to find.
> And then there are plugins like those I mentioned whose display names are significantly different from their real names, for whatever reasons.

So what is our policy for JIRA component names? IMO they should either
follow mechanically from existing metadata (GH repo name or
"${shortName}-plugin"), or be explicitly friendly (using names found
e.g. in the wiki, or in <name>). I tend to prefer the former, so that
we can write automations that work with JIRA without an extra level of
indirection to look up the JIRA component name.

The worst possible scenario (to my mind) is that 95+% of plugins
follow a convention, but then a few do not—then you think your
procedure is working, but really it is wrong.

> then require them to use that short name to file an issue against a specific plugin.

Well, this is one of several things that requires somewhat advanced
knowledge to file a *useful* bug report. Ubuntu, for example, uses
dpkg names in its tracker, and does not encourage you to file new bugs
directly in its tracker; it offers a tool for generating a bug report,
which includes searching for duplicates, picking the right internal
component, and gathering diagnostics.

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 5:18:43 PM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
> GH repo name

It's not like those aren't a mess. Just search the jenkinsci org for '-plugin-plugin'. Those redundant '-plugin' suffixes should be donated to the plugin repos without any -plugin suffix, like signal-killer, seleniumhtmlreport, testabilityexplorer, cluster-stats -- and I didn't even look for them! They also suffer from the same discoverability problem as short names.

Then there are the many, _many_ plugins that haven't been forked into jenkinsci, aren't on GitHub, or don't have public sources at all. I've brought that up a while ago, and it affects >10% of plugins.

> ${shortName}-plugin

If the short names weren't so bad (~175 plugins with the -plugin suffix, plugins getting renamed, major differences between short names and long names making them undiscoverable, unreadable short names, or short names starting with 'jenkins'), then this would work. As it is, it's just going to be horrible.

> write automations that work with JIRA without an extra level of
> indirection to look up the JIRA component name

If it's automated anyway, it'll be basically free to add a lookup via e.g. component description or wiki plugin info (modulo the wiki being slow, but we solved that with a cache before IIRC).

Which is great, because I have serious doubts we'll ever reach full consistency between component names and anything else for all plugins, so it's going to be needed anyway unless we're satisfied with automation working for 95% of plugins.

> Ubuntu, for example, uses dpkg names in its tracker

Because they're showing them to users all the time! Ubuntu package names are shown by:
- the desktop edition's (14.04) setup (e.g. "Completely removed language-pack-zh-hans-base (amd64)", and that's without showing the detailed log)
- software descriptions ("Version" field) and 'History' tab in Software Center
- the server edition's (12.04) setup (below the progress bar, e.g. "Unpacking libapt-pkg4.12...")
- the CLI package manager (and the default server install doesn't have a GUI)
I don't use Ubuntu so I've probably missed _a lot_ of places where package names are really user visible.

In comparison, despite the more technical audience (compared to Ubuntu desktop at least, IMO) Jenkins plugin short names are shown by:
- the deletion confirmation dialog (probably a bug)
- the file system, where users generally are not expected to change things
- depending on plugins, the occasional URL linked from somewhere
- the plugin info card on the wiki (and that's not part of the software itself)
- ...?

So it's not like Ubuntu uses those for the issue tracker while not showing them to users at all.

> does not encourage you to file new bugs
> directly in its tracker; it offers a tool for generating a bug report,
> which includes searching for duplicates, picking the right internal
> component, and gathering diagnostics.

A tool would allow us to use whatever internal names we'd like to use for components while having users file issues correctly, true. But we don't have it. What we have are users filing issues against the wrong components because it's too cumbersome to find the right one. So we should enable users to file issues correctly, especially since the vast majority of developers are likely to only watch their own components (if that), and the likeliness reports getting ignored because they're filed against the wrong component is quite high.

Or we restrict issue filing to people who've first brought up any issues on the mailing list (like Gradle does IIRC). That would also be possible, but a much more radical change, and one that probably requires much more work upfront from developers.

Daniel Beck

Nov 10, 2014, 6:21:31 PM11/10/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
Alright, I reviewed all proposed changes wrt how they related to the existing plugin short names. Here are those proposed changes that result in a new mismatch between plugin short name and component name (modulo '-plugin' suffix before and after), grouped by general type of name change. This allows you to review them for usefulness/correctness more easily.

List entries are the new proposed component names. After them, in parenteses, are the short name (followed by slash as copied from https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/), the user-friendly plugin name, and/or the wiki URL. The current Jira component name is not shown here.

Extra 'Jenkins', 'Hudson', or 'CI' in the name was removed:
- blazemeter-plugin (BlazeMeterJenkinsPlugin/)
- cloudformation-plugin (jenkins-cloudformation-plugin/)
- gitlab-merge-request-builder-plugin (gitlab-merge-request-jenkins/)
- flowdock-plugin (jenkins-flowdock-plugin/)
- hall-plugin (hall-jenkins/)
- heroku-plugin (heroku-jenkins-plugin/)
- jclouds-plugin (jclouds-jenkins/)
- kiuwan-plugin (kiuwanJenkinsPlugin/)
- kmap-plugin (kmap-jenkins/)
- leiningen-plugin (jenkins-leiningen/)
- loaderio-plugin (loaderio-jenkins-plugin/)
- neoload-plugin (neoload-jenkins-plugin/)
- openscada-exporter-plugin (openscada-jenkins-exporter/)
- perfectomobile-plugin (perfectomobile-jenkins/ and perfectomobile/)
- rapiddeploy-plugin (rapiddeploy-jenkins/)
- tag-cloud-plugin (jenkins-tag-cloud-plugin/)
- testswarm-plugin (jenkins-testswarm-plugin/)
- walldisplay-plugin (jenkinswalldisplay/)
- pview-plugin (hudson-pview-plugin/)
- trayapp (hudsontrayapp/)
- antepediareporter-plugin (AntepediaReporter-CI-plugin/)

CamelCase or underscores to dashes for consistency and readability (there are almost no camel cased component names in Jira today, they're all lowercase, e.g. stashbranchparameter, keepslaveoffline):
- adaptive-plugin (AdaptivePlugin/)
- gatekeeper-plugin (GatekeeperPlugin/)
- dynamic-extended-choice-parameter-plugin (dynamic_extended_choice_parameter/)
- jdk-parameter-plugin (JDK_Parameter_Plugin/)
- http-request-plugin (http_request/)
- keep-slave-offline-plugin (keepSlaveOffline/)
- sicci-for-xcode-plugin (sicci_for_xcode/)
- stash-branch-parameters-plugin (StashBranchParameter/)
- thin-backup-plugin (thinBackup/)
- twilio-notifier-plugin (TwilioNotifier/)

Extra dashes for readability:
- mail-commander-plugin (mailcommander/)
- node-offline-notification-plugin (nodeofflinenotification/)
- pre-scm-buildstep-plugin (preSCMbuildstep/)
- radiatorview-plugin (radiatorviewplugin/)
- external-resource-dispatcher-plugin (externalresource-dispatcher/)

Useful renames based on presentation, e.g. long name or wiki:
- graphite-plugin (graphiteIntegrator/) ("Graphite-plugin" name, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Graphite-plugin)
- groovy-remote-control-plugin (groovy-remote/) ("Groovy Remote Control Plugin" name, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Groovy+Remote+Control+Plugin)
- cocoapods-plugin (cocoapods-integration/) (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/CocoaPods+Plugin)
- inheritance-plugin (project-inheritance/) ("inheritance-plugin" name, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/inheritance-plugin)
- sladiator-plugin (sladiator-notifier/) ("SLAdiator plugin" name)
- prerequisite-buildstep-plugin (prereq-buildstep/) ("Prerequisite build step plugin" name, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Prerequisite+build+step+plugin)

Wrong renames (where I went with the repo name, or don't remember why I changed it):
- lavalamp-plugin (LavaLampNotifier/) [should probably be a CamelCase-to-dash and named 'lava-lamp-notifier-plugin']
- builton-column-plugin (built-on-column/) ("Built-on Column", https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Built-on+Column) [only the repo named like this: https://github.com/jenkinsci/builton-column-plugin]
- relution-plugin (relution-publisher/) [only the repo named like this: https://github.com/jenkinsci/relution-plugin]
- testexecutor-plugin (TestExecuter/) [should be merged into selected-tests-executor-plugin instead, as it was renamed after the first release]

Ulli Hafner

Nov 11, 2014, 8:15:00 AM11/11/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
Maybe we should also remove the prefix cloudbees from the folders plugin. It took me a while to find the component in Jira…

Daniel Beck

Nov 11, 2014, 12:29:16 PM11/11/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
On 11.11.2014, at 14:14, Ulli Hafner <ullrich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe we should also remove the prefix cloudbees from the folders plugin. It took me a while to find the component in Jira…

That's part of the plugin name everywhere (display name, short name, repo, component), so I'd be surprised if there was nobody looking for the plugin _with_ that prefix.

Different from Jenkins/Hudson/CI it's also not redundant in the context of Jenkins CI. (Jenkins removes leading "Jenkins " from plugin names on the UI because it's so useless, so I expect that users will not generally consider that part of the plugin name.)

IMO it's legitimate branding of their plugins. Note that most (or all) Cloudbees Plugins have that prefix (it's just the only one available on the Jenkins project hosted update center, and that only since version 4.0 was open sourced).

Stephen Connolly

Nov 11, 2014, 12:40:53 PM11/11/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
Well it was our plugin, but we open sourced it and it now belongs to the community

There would have been a host of issues with the existing installations if we renamed it, so it was simpler to keep the existing name.

If Jenkins ever gets a good solution for plugin renaming, then perhaps the name of the plugin could be revisited... but just not before a significant proportion of the community have versions of Jenkins that would be ok with a plugin rename.

Oleg Nenashev

Nov 11, 2014, 1:09:52 PM11/11/14
to JenkinsCI Developers
If Jenkins ever gets a good solution for plugin renaming, then perhaps the name of the plugin could be revisited... but just not before a significant proportion of the community have versions of Jenkins that would be ok with a plugin rename.
However, there's a risk of naming clashes in several cases.

As example, we have "metadata-plugin" and "google-metadata-plugin". Essentially they're different plugins with almost similar names and IMO similar functionality. I'm not sure how to resolve the naming issue in such case without a company prefix. Probably, Robert Sandell and Matt Moor agree to just merge them (needs a separate discussion)

My proposals:
  1. Explicitly display JIRA component IDs in plugin-info-macro on Wiki
  2. Leave the decision regarding company prefixes to plugin owners
Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

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Kanstantsin Shautsou

Nov 12, 2014, 6:05:37 PM11/12/14
to jenkin...@googlegroups.com
Does UC has some rpm Obsolete & Epoch tags analog?

Oleg Nenashev

Nov 14, 2014, 1:36:31 AM11/14/14
to JenkinsCI Developers
Summary from the project meeting on Nov 12th (http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2014/jenkins.2014-11-12-19.04.html).

Decision on further component renames in Jira (kohsuke__, 19:05:48)
  1. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/T_V9Z71rbPk (kohsuke__, 19:06:17)
  2. https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/JMeter+Plugin (kohsuke__, 19:09:06)
  3. AGREED: the list he has looks good to us. Fire away (kohsuke__, 19:11:45)
  4. IDEA: Plugin masthead in Wiki should land to the component page like https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS/component/15803#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Acomponent-issues-panel (kohsuke__, 19:16:00)
Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev
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