[Jenkins Infra] Upgrade of Kubernetes 1.26 in Azure

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Damien Duportal

Nov 9, 2023, 6:24:54 AM11/9/23
to Jenkins Infrastructure, JenkinsCI Developers
As per https://status.jenkins.io/, the Jenkins infrastructure team is running a cluster upgrade of AKS to Kubernetes 1.26.

We are starting the upgrade now: expect outages with the log-in/log-out on all "*.jenkins.io" services during the next hour due to LDAP restart.

The incremental publisher service is also in the operation scope: please avoid releasing incremental plugin versions and trigger a new PR build (with an empty commit) once the operation is finished to successfully publish your incremental releases.

Stéphane and Damien, for the Jenkins Infra team

Damien Duportal

Nov 9, 2023, 7:10:37 AM11/9/23
to Jenkins Infrastructure, JenkinsCI Developers
The upgrade operation is now finished.

It went successfully, with a measured 6 min outage on the LDAP and 2 min on the incremental publisher.

The platform is now in nominal condition.

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