Jenkins 2020 Board and Officer elections - process changes discussion

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Oleg Nenashev

Aug 25, 2020, 11:49:02 AM8/25/20
to JenkinsCI Developers, Jenkins Governance Board
Hi all,

As discussed at the previous governance meeting, I would like to follow-up on the election process ahead of the 2020 elections this autumn (November). After the 2019 elections we had a retrospective where we discussed the major pains we experienced during the elections, including the sign-up procedure (caused almost a 4+ weeks dela), eligibility issues and lack of transparency.

I suggest that we follow-up on these issues and improve the process for the incoming 2020 elections.In order to kick-off the discussion, I have assembled an initial proposal about how the issues could be addressed. Google doc with the proposal is here.

Any feedback and suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks for your time,
Oleg Nenashev

Oleg Nenashev

Sep 15, 2020, 8:52:59 AM9/15/20
to Jenkins Developers
Thanks to everyone for the feedback!
I will keep working on the proposal and incorporating suggestions this week, and I also suggest to have a discussion at the tomorrow's governance meeting

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

Oleg Nenashev

Sep 18, 2020, 8:58:12 AM9/18/20
to Jenkins Developers
As agreed at the Sep 16 governance meeting (meeting notesvideo), the suggested changed are approved in principle, but there are some changes which might be requied during the final process documentation review. Any feedback will be appreciated :  .

This pull request also includes the suggested dates:
  • Sep 24 - Nominations open, Voting sign-up begins
  • Oct 15 - Nominations deadline
    • After the deadline, the election committee will process nominations and reach out to candidates in order
  • Oct 22: Election candidates are published, including personal statements
  • Nov 02: Voting sign-up is over
    • After this date, the election committee will verify the sign-up and prepare the final list of voters
  • Nov 10: Voting begins
  • Nov 27: Voting ends, 11PM UTC
  • Dec 03: Election results are announced and take effect.
Best regards,

Oleg Nenashev

Sep 22, 2020, 6:16:16 AM9/22/20
to Jenkins Developers
I have started working on the announcements. Does everyone agree with the suggested dates?


Sep 22, 2020, 12:16:31 PM9/22/20
+1 from me for sure

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Mark Waite

Sep 22, 2020, 12:58:58 PM9/22/20
to jenkinsci-dev
+1 from me as well.  

Ullrich Hafner

Sep 22, 2020, 2:49:44 PM9/22/20
to Jenkins Developers

Oleg Nenashev

Sep 23, 2020, 12:54:58 PM9/23/20
to Jenkins Developers
Submitter some [hopefully final] changes: and - election process updates and the announcement blogpost .

Oleg Nenashev

Nov 9, 2020, 4:13:33 PM11/9/20
to Jenkins Developers
As it was discovered today and verified with the 2020 Elections Committee members and  Mark Waite, CIVS allows adding new voters in the current usage mode. It allows to extend the voter registration beyond Nov 08. Taking the low voting period duration and the relatively low registrations number at the moment, I see no reason to not extend the registration period. I would like to propose extending the sign-up period until November 24th (or any other similar date).

I have created with a patch. The downside is that the election committee members will need to keep monitoring sign-ups and regularly add new voters, but I am willing to do so.

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev
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