Beta annotation

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Jesse Glick

Apr 27, 2018, 3:34:23 PM4/27/18
to Jenkins Dev
This sort of slid under the radar in the middle of some bigger changes
for the JEP-202 reference implementation, so I wanted to call it out
now. Arguably this could deserve a retroactive JEP, though I would
rather fold it into a JEP for JENKINS-49651 (see below).

So: as of Jenkins 2.118, or plugin parent POM 3.7, you can mark any
Java member¹ with API visibility² with an annotation³


The idea is to announce to potential users of the member that the API
may still be in flux and only code prepared to keep up should be using
it. For an example, 2.118 added a `VirtualFile.toExternalURL()` method
that is being implemented in `artifact-manager-s3` and (pending some
PR merges) called in `copyartifact` and `workflow-basic-steps`. We do
not necessarily want this to be called yet by unknown parties out
there in the Jenkins ecosystem. To enforce that, any attempt to call
or implement `toExternalURL` will produce a build failure, unless you
add this property to your plugin POM, as these plugins have done:


Why? Because there is a chance the design is wrong and it might need
to be changed—perhaps some upcoming bug fix would demand a `boolean`
parameter be added, for example. Under the conventional notion of
Jenkins API deprecation and compatibility policy, once an API like
this makes it into a release version, that is it—we might mark it
`@Deprecated` but we need to maintain compatibility indefinitely, and
find some way to migrate existing implementations / call sites.

With the beta annotation, that promise is not being made. If it needs
a `boolean` parameter for some reason, that will be added and those
three plugins updated to match; we are not going to bother retaining
the original overload and somehow delegating to the new one. This
simplification of the developer workflow is important to the use cases
of Essentials (JEP-3xx), and I would expect the `useBeta` mark to
become widespread among plugins included in Essentials: one team needs
to feel comfortable refactoring code under its aegis freely, and the
refactored result should be deliverable as a unit to production via
the Evergreen distribution system.

So that leaves two important questions. First, is the annotation
permanent, and if not, when should it be removed? I do not think there
is any hard policy, but the intention is that it should be removed
once the API is in more or less widespread use and has held up. For
this example, if people start using S3 artifacts, and especially if
someone successfully writes an implementation of artifact storage in
Azure that uses the API, the concept will have been reasonably proven.
At that point we want the API to be used wherever it would make sense,
and if there is some very belated realization that the design is not
quite right, we accept the burden of deprecating the original and
migrating callers compatibly.

Second: it is fine and well to say that someone changing the signature
of a beta `toExternalURL` is on the hook to update the three plugins
using it, but what if a Jenkins admin (_not_ running Essentials, for
shame) upgrades to (say) Jenkins 2.125 with the new signature but
declines to accept the updates to those plugins (say,
`workflow-basic-steps` 2.9) which adapt to the change? It is not
enough to say that it is their fault for holding back on the updates
arbitrarily; the plugin manager _offers_ you updates but does nothing
to tell you when they are _required_, so suddenly throwing
`NoSuchMethodError` is not a helpful response.

The solution needs to be ironed out, but my expectation is to use
JENKINS-49651⁴ for this. For example, `workflow-basic-steps` 2.8,
using `toExternalURL()`, would have declared itself compatible with
`Jenkins-Version: 2.118`, and thus implicitly anything newer. The
developer doing the refactoring would also amend some 2.125 (and
newer) core metadata to say that it conflicts with anything older than
the 2.9 release of the plugin. The plugin manager would therefore
block the 2.8 plugin from even being loaded on the 2.125 core; the
admin would need to update before using it. In the case of an
incompatible change made to a plugin API, rather than a core API, the
UX is a little smoother since the plugin manager could just refuse to
let you update one without the other.


¹ Class, method, constructor, field, or I suppose also interface,
enum, or annotation.

² `protected` or `public`

³ The implementation is here:
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