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ANN - Jenkins Governance update (Marky Jackson)

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Oleg Nenashev

Mar 4, 2021, 9:34:41 AM3/4/21
to JenkinsCI Developers
Dear all,

Effective today, Marky Jackson is stepping down from the Jenkins Governance Board and Event Officer positions. On behalf of the Jenkins community, we would like to thank Marky for all contributions and for the continued participation in the Jenkins community. As an active Jenkins contributor and community leader, Marky helped a lot of initiatives to happen: Jenkins and Kubernetes ecosystem, terminology changes, GSoC and GSoD, pipeline authoring SIG and many more activities. Thank you Marky!

Based on the Interim procedures, the Jenkins Governance board will appoint an interim board member and a new event officer, subject to approval in a regular governance meeting (Mar 10). Nominations:
  • Jenkins Governance Board member - the board would like to respect the 2020 Election Results and to appoint Ewelina Wilkosz as an interim board member. Ewelina got the most of the votes among board member candidates.
  • Event Officer - nominations are open! If you are interested to become the new even officer, please reach out to the Jenkins Governance Board.
Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

Jeff Pearce

Mar 4, 2021, 10:22:40 AM3/4/21
Thanks for all you’ve contributed over the past several years, Marky. Your contributions have made a notable difference. 

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On Mar 4, 2021, at 6:34 AM, Oleg Nenashev <> wrote:

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Alyssa Tong

Mar 4, 2021, 10:51:27 AM3/4/21
to Jenkins Dev
Thank you Marky for your time and contributions to the project, you're made a difference. Altho you're stepping down, we hope you'll still be around because you're much needed.  

Thank you and all the best.


Matt Sicker

Mar 4, 2021, 10:55:23 AM3/4/21
Thanks for all your hard work and infectious enthusiasm, Marky!
> To view this discussion on the web visit

Matt Sicker
Senior Software Engineer, CloudBees

Oleg Nenashev

Mar 9, 2021, 7:16:01 PM3/9/21
to Jenkins Developers
Hi all,

Quick update regarding the event officer role after . I have contacted contributors who were nominated for this role in 2020. Unfortunately, nobody was available.

After some consideration I have decided to nominate myself as an interim event officer. In the past I organized 30+ Jenkins meetups, several Jenkins hackathons and 2 contributor summits. Also, I started GSoC and proactive Hacktoberfest participation in Jenkins. I enjoy organizing community and contributor events, and I will be happy to continue doing so. With help of Advocacy&Outreach SIG team, I think we will be able to handle conferences as well.

As a full disclosure, my time is limited due to personal/work commitments, Jenkins governance and core maintenance. I would consider myself an interim officer, and I will be looking for a contributor interested in becoming a shadow Events Officer. Once we find someone, I will work on mentoring and onboarding this contributor.

Best regards,
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