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Timeout before trying to provision a new agent

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Alex Earl

Dec 9, 2024, 8:24:52 AM12/9/24
to Jenkins Developer List
Hi everyone,

I developed a plugin for use in house at my company to launch ephemeral agents on our internal cloud infrastructure. One thing I am seeing is that when it takes more than a few seconds to launch an agent (which is expected), I see several agents being created by Jenkins for a single task. Is there an API that will allow me to specify a timeout for Jenkins to expect an agent to be up and running?



Jesse Glick

Dec 9, 2024, 5:32:27 PM12/9/24
On Mon, Dec 9, 2024 at 8:25 AM Alex Earl <> wrote:
when it takes more than a few seconds to launch an agent (which is expected), I see several agents being created by Jenkins for a single task

Offhand it sounds like you are not using correctly, or otherwise misimplementing,int) to provision more nodes than are actually being requested.

I had somebody else asking recently about implementing `Cloud`. It is not trivial. Would be nice to start with a known-good implementation (say, that in `kubernetes`) and create a plugin which lets you as the admin define CLI commands to provision or destroy agent infrastructure, with some environment variables being used to define the agent name etc. (There is but it is way out of date.) As an alternative to running processes on the controller account, it could support launching Docker or Kubernetes containers.
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