[ci.jenkins.io] Upgrade of Kubernetes 1.26 in AWS EKS: no BOM builds

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Damien Duportal

Nov 6, 2023, 9:47:19 AM11/6/23
to JenkinsCI Developers, Jenkins Infrastructure
Hi dear developers,

The Jenkins infra team will perform a Kubernetes upgrade on the AWS EKS clusters used by ci.jenkins.io for agents, today (Monday 6 Nov.) at 14h00 UTC.

No BOM builds are possible (and will be put in the queue) during the operation.
Plugins builds will be handled by DigitalOcean cloud agent or by VMs.

Damien, for the infra team

Damien Duportal

Nov 6, 2023, 9:57:04 AM11/6/23
to Jenkins Developers
My apologies: it's is 15h00 UTC (winter time got me confused)

Damien Duportal

Nov 6, 2023, 11:48:42 AM11/6/23
to JenkinsCI Developers, Jenkins Infrastructure
The operation finished after 1h45 with success. ci.jenkins.io builds are back to normal.
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