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Alibaba Cloud,jenkins

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Dec 23, 2021, 3:11:14 AM12/23/21
to jenkins-infra, 于博尧(子悦), 黄贤良

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am the administrator of the AlibabaCloud Open Source Mirrorsite ( we are the largest cloud computing service provider in China, the open source mirrorsite from alibaba cloud serves the most developers in China, for example over 400 million downloads of Centos and 30million downloads of Ubuntu everyday.

I am writing to you to add our mirror into your mirror list. Please refer to the following information.
1. Country: CN
2. Site Name: Alibaba Cloud
3. Mirror Name:
4. Categories: http(, https (
5. Bandwidth: 10000
6. Internet2: No

7. Email:
8. Comments: First mirror site from cloud service provider in China, speedup with CDN services.



Mark Waite

Dec 23, 2021, 6:19:00 PM12/23/21
to Jenkins Infrastructure, 于博尧(子悦), 黄贤良
Thanks very much for your willingness to host a Jenkins mirror.

There may be some delay due to end of year holidays, but we'd love to include your mirror in the list of Jenkins mirrors.

Mark Waite

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Mark Waite

Dec 26, 2021, 9:03:20 AM12/26/21
to Jenkins Infrastructure
The Jenkins mirror system uses GeoIP location information to select a mirror based on distance from the requester to the server.  When I check the GeoIP location information for, it reports that the server is located in the United States.  If that is the correct location, that is great.  If that location is incorrect, could you update the GeoIP information for that server so that its location is correctly recorded?

Mark Waite

Damien Duportal

Sep 21, 2023, 7:05:03 AM9/21/23
to Jenkins Infrastructure
Hi dear sponsor,

I'm writing to you on behalf of the Jenkins Infrastructure team.

We are trying to integrate your mirror at into the official Jenkins download system.

The system we are using require either an FTP or a RSYNC access to scan the mirror and detect which files are present/updated.

Could you share this URL with us please (otherwise we cannot use your mirror).

Thanks for your sponsorship of the Jenkins project!

Damien Duportal, for the Jenkins Infra team
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