Hey everyone,
The annual Jenkins governance board and officer elections have started.
Up for election are two governance board positions, and all five officer positions (Security, Events, Release, Infrastructure, and Documentation).
For more information about the annual Jenkins election, visit this year's announcement blogpost and the nomination, voter sign-up and ranking walkthrough.
We invite community members to nominate candidates by sending a message to the election-committee group on the Jenkins community forums, to shape the future of the project.
Nomination is open, and will end on October 27. Self nomination is allowed.
This is a tremendous opportunity for community members to influence the direction of the project.
We ask all community members who are interested in voting, to join the election-voter-2023 group on the Jenkins community forums during the registration period.
Take a look at the guide on how to do that.
Previous elections utilized their groups, so joining the election-voter-2023 group is required for participation.
If you've contributed at least 1 time to Jenkins before September 1, 2023, you're eligible to vote. All contributions count for eligibility! If you've helped others with Jenkins, tested Jenkins, documented Jenkins, reviewed the changes of others, or made changes yourself, you're eligible to vote.
Voter registration is open, and will end on November 05.
If you encounter issues or technical difficulties with any step of the election process, don’t hesitate to message the election committee.
Best regards,
Alexander Brandes, for the Jenkins Governance Board
Hey everyone,
Nomination for the two governance board and five officer positions (Security, Events, Release, Infrastructure, and Documentation), closes soon, on October 27.
If you want to nominate someone and haven't done that yet, please finish that by October 27, by sending a message to the election-committee group on the Jenkins community forums. Self nomination is allowed.
Take a look at the guide on how to send a nomination to the election committee.
The candidates are announced on November 06, the same day the voting starts.
Best regards,