more on NO public housing

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Dec 7, 2007, 3:05:54 PM12/7/07
And here is info on how to help if you are unable to come to New
Thanks y'all,
Jennifer Whitney

URGENT: Call for national solidarity actions
More info:
• Defend New Orleans Public Housing
• Justice for New Orleans
• People's Hurricane Relief Fund

Support the Struggle for Public Housing in New Orleans Everywhere!

We are calling on our national allies who cannot join us in New Orleans
on December 10th to take action at home against the demolitions and in
support of housing as a human right.  Because the assault on public
housing in New Orleans is a threat on public housing across the U.S., 
we must stand up nationwide in the fight against neoliberalism and
racism.  We need people to make calls demanding the reopening of public
housing AND organize demonstrations at local HUD and other government
buildings on December 10th - Human Rights Day. 

Call-In Numbers:

City Council Member Stacey Head:  Head has been the leading force on
the City Council in pushing for the demolitions and mixed income
housing.  (504) 658-1020

City Council Member Shelley Midura:  Encourage Midura to oppose the
demolitions and support the reopening of public housing. (504) 658-1010

D.H. Griffin: The Contractors hired to demolish Lafitte.  For the
locations of local offices across the South go to 336-3366

Senator David Vitter: The Louisiana senator actively support the
demolitions by blocking the passage of Senate Bill 1668: The Gulf Coast
Recovery Act.  Put pressure on him to support SB 1668. Washington D.C.
Office (202) 224-4623 New Orleans Office (504) 589-2753

Senate Banking,Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Members:  SB 1668
is currently stuck in the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
committee.  Demand that they approve SB 1668.

Senator Christopher Dodd (202) 224-2823
Senator Tim Johnson (202) 224-1638
Senator Jack Reed  (202) 224-4642
Senator Charles Schumer 202-224-0420
Senator Evan Bayh (202) 224-5623
Senator Tom Carper (202) 224-2441
Senator Robert Menendez (202) 224-4744
Senator Daniel Akaka (202) 224-6361
Senator Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315
Senator Robert Casey (202) 224-6324
Senator Jon Tester (202) 224-2644
Senator Richard Shelby (202) 224-5744
Senator Robert Bennent (202) 224-5444
Senator Wayne Allard (202) 224-5941
Senator Michael Enzi (202) 224-3424
Senator Chuck Hagel (202) 224-4224
Senator Jim Bunning (202) 224-4343
Senator Mike Crapo (202) 224-6142
Senator John Sununu (202) 224-2841
Senator Elizabeth Dole (202) 224-6342
Senator Mel Martinez (202) 224-304

Send info about any solidarity actions happening to with "Solidarity" in the subject line.

If you have any questions contact the Stop the Demolition Coalition at or call us at (504) 458-3494.

Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win!

Forward email

Rhonda Browning

Dec 26, 2007, 1:41:24 AM12/26/07
What gets me too is that in the spring before Katrina they were remodeling a lot of the projects.  The father of one of my students was a crew supervisor for the roofing.  He took a couple hours off and came down to his child's IEP staffing right down the street.  The project was the one on Orleans Ave.  I think that is LaFitte.  They had just put up new screen doors and a new roof.  Brick buildings don't fall.  You can see that if you go through St. Bernard Parish where most of the housing was brick.  They were flooded as bad or worse than Lower 9th being just across the parish line from it.  The outside of those houses looked like nothing had happened except for the windows being broken and the doors hanging open.  But yet 8 feet of water covered most of the parish and that was the minimum.  Some of the houses in Buckaneer Village were almost totally submerged and people sat on the roofs for days. Many were found dead in their attics from the heat.  Brick houses just don't break.  Those projects could all be saved, no problem at all.  They just need to be remodeled.  This is a money thing.  But I ask, since when is it the job of HUD to house the middle class?????

Subject: [JenaSixActionPlanning] more on NO public housing
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 14:05:54 -0600
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