unread,Sep 15, 2008, 3:17:11 PM9/15/08Sign in to reply to author
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to Jello.Dashboard
It's not so much the initial change that's the concern - as you
rightly point out it's fairly trivial to change lots of tasks'
statuses at once - as whether I'd maintain it going forward (not a
question of "how", but of "remembering to *do*").
It's obviously a slight difference in approach between the way I use
Outlook's fields to support GTD and the way built in to Jello, and I
need to decide if I'm going to commit to changing my habits by doing
one (or more) of the following:
1. never, ever, create an OL Task except from Jello (to take
advantage of the option to switch the default status).
2. remember to take the extra step of changing the status to 'In
Progress' every single time I create a new Task.
3. add a regular review step similar to what you propose to mass-
change any "wrong" statuses, and accept that new tasks will be
invisible in Jello between their creation (unless I do '2' above) and
whenever I next do this review.
'1' doesn't seem sustainable (especially as I'm aiming to have a WinMo
phone soon); relying on adding the extra step of '2' 100% of the time,
even when adding tasks very quickly in "capture mode", seems too
risky, and I'm not very partial to the incomplete-ness (albeit
temporary) of lists from '3' - although it's a good backup to 2 and
the combination may just about suffice.
This is not to complain - the dashboard's a great piece of work, it's
just that I'll have to judge the ongoing effort to work just that
little bit differently versus the benefit of Jello over OL's native
Thinking on that, I might look at whether adding a couple of judicious
macros (emulating options 2 & 3) to my existing set would sort things
out - if I can get one to trigger on addition of a new task (to set
the status unless it has a start date in the future), and another to
run ~daily to change the status for tasks that've just reached their
start date, I might just about have it all?!
(So that's another item on the task list then ;-)
Many thanks in any case for your response - it's great to see a
comittment to support as well as ongoing development. Whatever I
decide at this time I shall in any case certainly keep an eye out for
new versions as and when they arrive, as it seems so close to being a
wonderful aid to time-saving and productivity.
Thanks again,