Some questions about clusters

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Oscar Besga

Mar 2, 2022, 6:39:44 AM3/2/22
to Jedis
I wish to ask some questions, a cluster 101 if you
- Operations in transactions will fail if the operations have keys that go to different 'hash slots'. Pipelining operations as well, I think.

- Two keys with the same {} id will go to the same 'hash slot'.
 ( for example pool.1.{a} and  pool.2.{a} )
as the hash operation is forced on the contentns of the {} id

- Operatios to a list or a hashmap will go to the same slot, because the key is the same (even if the hashmap / list doesn't have a {} in the key )

What do you think ?

Thanks in advance !

Sazzadul Hoque

Mar 2, 2022, 6:59:32 AM3/2/22
- Jedis doesn't have Transaction support in cluster mode.

- Jedis upto 3.x doesn't have support Pipelining in cluster mode. Jedis 4.x has that and different hash slots, even different nodes are supported.

- The question about hash slot -> yes.

- The question about list or hashmap -> yes.

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