Details of BC Inversion

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Jim Holmes

Sep 4, 2010, 3:08:05 PM9/4/10
to jedis in commerce
Hello All,

I have listened to TS classes 7 & 8 thrice. I find there to remove
any reference to a UCC-1 filing.


1. The physical certified copy of the BC is accepted for Value with
the language specified in:

1.1 What is the physical location of the text on the BC? Is it
tilted or horizontal?

2. There are two bonds. I have not found any reference to what to do
with the Anaheim bond. What is the procedure? Are the bonds both
sent under the same cover letter.

3. What is the potential liability of anyone who signs my bond(s) as
a surety?

4. There are three numbers on my BC. One on the front, inf the very
upper right corner, that appears to be a serial stamp. It is without a
box or line. I presume that to be a filing serial number.

The number that I think is the BC number is in the upper RH portion of
the formatted form; it has the label, "Registered Number", and a line
with a 4 digit number. This too seems to be a stamp. IS THIS THE

On the back of the BC, in red color print,and beginning with the
capitol letter D is a 7 digit number. 8 characters, counting the
initial "D".. What is that number?

Is there a TS or document available that answers those questions and
gives more detailed instruction for doing the BC inversion?



tenzin gyurme

Sep 5, 2010, 11:40:24 AM9/5/10
Yes remove the UCC-1 if it makes any reference to your BC or other Chattel Properties, or Personal Properties.

There is a template for a Bailor / Bailee filing on the google group that you might use to list your minor  children for protection against state agencies interfering with a normal balanced upbringing of your wards.

The language for the BC sample is that referenced.

Place it  in the  middle of the BC at a 45 degree angle.

The anaheim bond is an addition to the templated procedure.  Therefore you must add  it  as number 2 in the text and the itemized listings.  Changing the BC to number 3.  Just list it as it is titled  on the Bond.  Using the same registered mail number as the Bond Number.  These are two separate types of bonds, so it is ok to have the same registration number, or bond number.

Liabilities to the sureties are  as yet unknown.

Lastly the BC number is the Red number if there is one, sometimes black, not  the number of the birth registration entry in the body of the document, if there is one.

If there is a number on the back  of the form, this  could be a bond number to use, and you might include it in the BC number,  or you could just use the number on the front of the doc.  If you  did use both numbers, you would start with the front number and then use a space colon space and then add the number on the back of the bond.

I did not do a talkshoe on this process because the instructions are on the website, and it is  not as controlling as you might think in form.  It is about substance.


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