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jeb 4.18 enumeration class decompilation bug

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Jul 7, 2022, 4:30:28 AM7/7/22
to JEB Decompiler

com.qq.e.comm.plugin.a.d.a(com.qq.e.comm.managers.GDTADManager, org.json.JSONObject, com.qq.e.comm.plugin.a.c) : void 


First, look at the enumeration class com.qq.e.comm.plugin.i.b

jeb com.qq.e.comm.plugin.i.b.png

Go back to the method code, compare the above jadx pseudocode, you can see that the imei is incorrectly translated to a.
This includes the following translations of enumeration class member properties, all of which are incorrect.


Please fix the relevant bugs as soon as possible, thank you!

Nicolas Falliere

Jul 13, 2022, 9:54:13 AM7/13/22
to bhwxha, JEB Decompiler

This is not a bug although I understand it does look like one! For obfuscated enums, the recovered enumeration names are only displayed within the enum itself. If you decide to use them, you need to edit the enum entries, and replace the original name (that is right, the original name would be displayed in the Rename pop-up), and input the new input as a way to confirm that you want to use it.
That was the intended behavior, since enum names may be considered untrustworthy meta-data. However, I'll look into adding support to allow the user to auto-rename all enum fields to their recovered names.

Best regards,
Nicolas Falliere (
JEB Decompiler, Founder and Architect

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