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Debugging / Decompiling async code (Android)

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Yechiel Levi

Feb 15, 2021, 2:49:20 AM2/15/21
to JEB Decompiler
In some apks i'm debugging, we have async methods (Handlers and MessageHandlers and loopers) , i'm wondering if there is a way to "continue debugging" once i reach such a point where a message is being dispatched.. as i would like to continue from the Handler / receiver to have a smooth debugging /analysis process.

not sure if this is feasible at all, just wondering if it is and i'm missing out on that feature

Nicolas Falliere

Feb 17, 2021, 6:45:38 PM2/17/21
to Yechiel Levi, JEB Decompiler
Nothing specifically out-of-the-box. When you're about to step over some Handler.send/post-like code, the debugger will not automatically set a breakpoint on the handler target routine. I.e., you'd be stepping over the call and end up on the next instruction. Meanwhile, the handler code may have executed, depending on whether or not the other threads are suspended or running (they should be suspended).

If you wanted to auto-break inside the handler code in the other thread, you could write a script to do just that, that is:
- find the target handler class, and locate its handleMessage() function
- set a bp on in
- also set a bp on the code that follows the Handler.send/post, because it may be hit first
- proceed - your handler bp should be hit at some point

(Unrelated, but you should join the Slack channel, see my signature below)

Nicolas Falliere (
JEB Decompiler, Founder and Architect

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 11:49 PM Yechiel Levi <> wrote:
In some apks i'm debugging, we have async methods (Handlers and MessageHandlers and loopers) , i'm wondering if there is a way to "continue debugging" once i reach such a point where a message is being dispatched.. as i would like to continue from the Handler / receiver to have a smooth debugging /analysis process.

not sure if this is feasible at all, just wondering if it is and i'm missing out on that feature

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