Remove AsyncApi

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Adrian Cole

Apr 4, 2013, 1:50:46 AM4/4/13
Hi, team.

Implicitly, what is now master (1.7) will have changes in structure and versioning as we enter the apache incubator.  

We have a chance to clean things up that have been haunting for some time before we issue the proposal.  I recommend we literally remove the AsyncApi of jclouds.  

Here's why:

  * maintaining mirror interfaces is extra work that serves zero benefit when using the sync interface.
  * now that google app engine supports executorservice, users can launch background tasks without relying on AsyncApi.
  * our transform functions do not take advantage of AsyncApi at http level.
  * very often, AsyncBlobStore is implemented by a combination of sync and Async methods and could as easily been done with only an executorservice and a sync http binding.
  * code complexity in core is greatly increased, needing to process and validate multiple similar interfaces.  Stack traces are longer and hairier.
  * if we remove the AsyncApi, we no longer require an executorservice at the rest level, making the context object safer.

There are probably many other reasons.

Work implies migrating the annotations from the AsyncApis to the normal ones, then deleting them.  It also implies going around and fixing AsyncBlobStore and possibly modifying ContextBuilder.buildView to accept an executorservice, similar to guava Futures calls.

I'm offering to help with this as it makes code review, participation, and troubleshooting much easier in the long term.


Andrew Phillips

Apr 4, 2013, 7:34:38 AM4/4/13
> Thoughts?

What's the plan for methods that internally make use of async actions,
e.g. in BlobMap? Would those also be removed or be re-written to use
an executor?

Also, what is the suggested migration plan for users who are currently
calling the async APIs in their code? Do we have an idea on the impact
of the change for them? Or are we reasonably confident that this API
isn't really in use much?



Adrian Cole

Apr 4, 2013, 10:28:50 AM4/4/13

On Thursday, April 4, 2013, Andrew Phillips wrote:

What's the plan for methods that internally make use of async actions, e.g. in BlobMap? Would those also be removed or be re-written to use an executor?
 IMHO Only BlobStore should be retained.  The others in blobstore carry far more technical debt and pitfalls than they are worth.  Wrt impl details of ComputeService or BlobStore, yes these can be rewritten to use ExecutorService

Also, what is the suggested migration plan for users who are currently calling the async APIs in their code? Do we have an idea on the impact of the change for them? Or are we reasonably confident that this API isn't really in use much.
I dont think these are used much outside impl details of AsyncBlobStore.  Suggested migration path is to show examples of how to convert to executorservice and maybe mention a few libraries far better at managing a bunch of parallel ops such as storm trident, rxjava, hystrix, clojure, etc.



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Everett Toews

Apr 4, 2013, 3:10:42 PM4/4/13
to <>
We haven't been using the async stuff.

I'm all for removing it, especially if this means we can eventually eliminate all of the proxies too. Those are definitely a barrier to people contributing to jclouds.


Adrian Cole

Apr 4, 2013, 3:16:09 PM4/4/13
Here's a bit of irc scrollback on the topic, edited as I removed some irrelevant conversations regarding representation models from it.

adrianc_if you look at impl you'll notice what I mean
adrianc_some async commands are just futures.immediateFuture(sync)
adrianc_but wrt Async at api level (ex. s3AsyncApi)
adrianc_this was made for nonblocking io, which we never completed in 4 years
adrianc_and is literally implemented as submit(callableFor(synccommand))
adrianc_which is something anyone can do, including asyncBlobStore
adrianc_AsyncBlobStore is also a joke due to things like container clear
adrianc_which in impl are usually a series of synchronous commands in a for loop
adrianc_so, main point is to stop all the pretending and instead just retain value-added code that is easy to work with and troubleshoot
adrianc_which will help with the problem we have where hardly anyone touched core code
adrianc_root cause being it is too complex
adrianc_and in the case of Async, complex for no real benefit
gaulwell we already agree clear container is an odd bird
gaulbut other things like remove blob are async
adrianc_not really
gaulsome of this immediateFuture stuff seems to be directories which I'm not sure who uses
adrianc_not in a useful way
adrianc_ex. removeBlob is implemented by a callable and a executorservice
adrianc_the calls take 100-200ms
adrianc_the actual time of blobstore are reading the streams
adrianc_which aren't started until after the future is derefed
adrianc_so it is a false sense of real concurrency value add
gaulwow I didn't realize that
adrianc_basically we are doing things that others could just as well do themselves without hte extra layer of proxies
adrianc_the future only breaks up the expect-continue bit
gaulwell that's terrible!
adrianc_meaning that we conveniently allow users to displace those 100-200ms
adrianc_which in some cases is far less than 100ms
adrianc_yeah exactly
adrianc_in other words we aren't adding "real value"
adrianc_and making futures that aren't cancellable
adrianc_and increasing stack depth, complexity, etc
adrianc_so summary of 4years in my opinion is cut the crap :P
adrianc_there was a dream of doing fancy things under the async api
adrianc_but since that never happened in 4 years, we should acknowledge and move on
adrianc_ ends rationale speal
gaulcan you capture this in an issue?  not guaranteeing I will work on it yet but I do want to understand this better.
adrianc_well there's the mail thread
adrianc_but which issue of the above, the rationale to deprecate and remove the asyncapi?
adrianc_gaul besides the lies the biggest issue with async is the sheer amount of work we do to support it.  ask anyone who's written or reviewed a provider :P
adrianc_etoews what's your take on axing Async?
adrianc_iocanel ^^
adrianc_do you guys ever use it?
adrianc_or rather spend tons of time writing it, like I do
adrianc_write-only asyncapi :P
adrianc_abayer do you use async?
adrianc_mattstep ^^
gaulI don't use any provider specific APIs today, although use both sync and async blobstore ones
gaulis the idea that the async blobstore would call into the sync provider specific API using the executor service?
adrianc_if we retain it, yes
adrianc_however by in large, AsyncBlobStore has many problems that make it a cure worse than the disease
gauloh, you propose dropping all async?  then callers have to wrap it themselves?
adrianc_regardless, I'm happy to convert AsyncBlobStore to lie in the same way, but without the provider asyncApi deps
adrianc_because then they can at least be aware that the futures aren't cancellable, are just calling a series of sync commands etc
adrianc_right now, many probably believe there's something fundamentally gained vs submit(callableFor(sync))
gaulwell I don't want anyone to lie in the endgame.  why can't asyncblobstore be as simple as submitting a future wrapping the sync interface?
adrianc_which is not true, and only causes us work
adrianc_gaul it can for you :)
adrianc_but otherwise I'd remove it
adrianc_ex. if you want it to lie, we'll keep it
adrianc_but the other stuff really should go
adrianc_in other words, the AsyncBlobStore is begign and we can remove that later
gauldisappointed that cancel lies to him
adrianc_the provider stuff is the real problem, that dramatically increases core complexity and time writing and reviewing providers, but without value
adrianc_I'd be happy to port AsyncBlobStore to lie less, if it meant I can remove the async legacy from core
adrianc_last thing I want is apache to just mean more of me doing complex work in core and no-one wanting to write providers
gaulwhy can't cancel raise an interruptedexception in the sync callee?
adrianc_if we can remove the complexity out of core, we have a chance at real growth
adrianc_it doesn't break the socket or nything
adrianc_do a test :)
adrianc_if you cancel a blob in progres
adrianc_look at the wire log
adrianc_you'll see it continues
adrianc_it only interrupts the caller
adrianc_same as TimeLimiter
gaulwhy doesn't it push all the way through to the socket?
gaulmissing something basic
adrianc_so the future is awaiting the response
adrianc_well think of it another way
adrianc_how would you use HttpUrlConnection and force close a socket?
adrianc_then, how would you do that in a callable such that if a future of the work in progress invokes that
adrianc_this is the essential point
adrianc_If you make a test that guarantees that a socket is interrupted outside jclouds, we could employ this strategy
adrianc_however, I'd make it a Futures2 thing vs requiring all provider api calls to randomly implement async
adrianc_for example, if you look at the size of the codebase, the parts relevant to blobstore async is a small fraction
adrianc_tiny really
adrianc_all the while apis pay price of heavy maintenance and complexity, and at the end of the day , it is for naught
adrianc_we rarely get email on the ML
adrianc_about "wow" futures work really well!
adrianc_on the other hand ... :P
adrianc_lets just say I could buy many beers if I had a nickel for every unitelligble stack trace, bug, or question about async
gaulhmm I see, we need to disrupt the socket somehow
gaulI guess this is really an issue with blocking sockets
gaulcatches up with the beginning of the discussion
adrianc_even if we did disrupt, it would likely end up being a hook in Payload
adrianc_which doesn't require async
gaulwell you need it for the timeout case
adriancwhich timeout?  connect and sockettimeout breaks the socket
adriancthe only timeout would be the time the user spends reading the payload
abayeradrianc: a lot of the CloudStack stuff is async.
adriancwhich could be addressed by a hook in payload in a finally block
adriancabayer yeah so this is another reason to quit async :)
adriancin rest apis async has meaning
adriancit means that there is a job in progress
adriancetoews ^^
adriancnot literally this is a non-blocking http call
gaulwell I'm thinking about situations where we want to shoot down some futures due to external event and waiting the full socket timeout is prohibitive
abayerYeah, pretty sure CloudStack follows that model.
adriancgaul well this is impossible now
adriancmaybe good ole thread.stop :P
adriancit could be done with nonblocking I suppose, but yeah we never did htat
adriancand also the callback model for NB is different than a future
adriancif you look at async-http-client, you'll see what I mean
adriancso a "hard-stop" with blocking i/o is probably killing the vm unless someone knows a fancier way
adriancand if there's another way it would probably involve using a more advanced http impl
adrianclike apachehc or the like, I suppose
adriancat any rate, we would need to be able to stop sync commands as you'll notice AsyncBlobStore is implemented with them
adriancso if we could implement that feature, we could stop the sync commands, and then that could be wrapped in some closure of some JVM lang
adriancso, basically, if we clear the cruft of the async provider impls, and acknowledge they do more harm than good
adriancnot only do we have less complexity and stack trace, but also folks besides you and me might be willing to work on it
adriancright now the complexity level to support async at core is very high
adriancwhich is probably why no-one besides me works on it
adriancthe reason the complexity is high is due to supporting async native
adriancif we remove this, then before during or post apache, we'll likely have more help for the real issues such as "close the frigging socket, please"
adriancright now, it is pulling teeth to test *anything* async
adriancso it doesn't get tested
adriancand it stays complex, burdensome, and sad
adriancasync as in Future<Thing> :)
gaulsad too
gaullife is less magical than I thought it was
adriancso basically I'm lobbying to take the hit now, so that we can make a better impl of jclouds over time
adriancinstead of treading water
adriancremoving async would literally remove hundreds of useless classes from providers
adriancand make it straightforward to see things like what you are noticing now
adriancthat thread.interrupt doesn't kill a socket
adriancwhen the clutter is clear, then I really do thing we have a fighting chance at getting more miles of jclouds vs miles on a treadmill
adriancto help with transition, we could deprecate asyncblobstore for 2 versions
adriancwhile only the async provider apis for 1
adriancfirst phase unlocking asyncblobstore from the provider async so that it can outlast
adrianchere's a quick way to put things into perspective..
adrianchow many times have you seen <S, A> generic params tossed around
adrianccross that with the known individuals who know what the hell that's about
adriancmultiply number of commands in all jclouds apis by 2
adriancand half unit test coverage
adriancthis is the impact of the async api
adriancnow.. lets compare this to its value :)
adriancRestContext<S3Client, S3Client>.. whoops
adriancI meant RestContext<NovaApi, NovaAsyncApi> etc. in mailing lists
adriancall this stuff .. imagine it gone..
adriancand I said to myself... what a wonderful world...
adriancetoews with me?
adriancI'm in a difficult position as I know for a fact this stuff weighs down the community
adriancand largely bear the weight for it, outside those who write providers
adriancwhat would happen if we went to apache and someone needed a core code change?
adriancand for some reason I'm hit by a bus
gaulmuni buses are slow and easy to dodge ;)
adriancyet they still kill!
adriancthough me stopping alcohol increases my chances :)
etoewsbut if you're drunk enough you'll go limp and be less likely to be hurt. :P
etoewsjust got back from pho. catching up.
gauletoews: that's the spirit, double down!
adrianc resumes drinking so he could survive to maintain the async api
etoewsfor the record, we haven't really used the asyn api at all.
adriancetoews have you ever written a class for it and made a mistake because sync is mildly different than async?
etoewsin my workshops and presentations it's usually one bullet point on the end, under the heading "Advanced"
etoewsoh that's happened to me plenty.
adriancand then get some crazy error and figure out oh... Future<Set<Thing>> not Future<Iterable<Thing>>
adriancwhat if you woke up and realized you had all that time back
etoewsi'm pretty much conditioned now, when i see a stack trace 10 stories tall, to check my method sigs.
adrianchow far could you fly on those hourse?
adriancimagine a new ASF contributor
adriancdoes async make them want to help?
adriancimagine a senior dev who could help in core and wants to
etoewsam i to understand that if we removed async that we could get rid of the proxy?
adriancwould they enjoy the hall of mirrors there to allow async?
adriancbascially NovaApi.. that's it
adriancwe could even kill Context
etoewsthat alone makes me want to get rid of it.
adriancif we wanted to, and just make NovaApi closable
etoewshitting the proxy wall when you're debugging is where i've lost the most time.
adriancme too
adriancespecially trying to optimize the proxy wall
adrianctook me weeks
adriancand it still sucks
adriancI mean we still have a proxy, just not two :)
adriancsomething reads the annotations, but even that we could flex on
adriancex. for starters, just remove the requirement ot have mirror interfaces
adriancthen support concrete methods
adriancex. when somehting just returns void, no need to dance with annotations
adriancjust use httpclient.invoke(request)
adriancbut even before concrete, just clearing the path and halving the size of pull requests is very interesting to me for long-term success of jclouds
etoewsIMHO, the proxy stuff is a major barrier to learning how to contribute to jclouds.
adriancyep exactly
adriancwhat I'm proposing is to cut ties
mattstepetoews : if you're not familiar with java.util.concurrent, you should probably read its probably the second best java book anyone has written, next to Bloch's effective java
adriancso that in incubation we can clear up and hopefully others will help make provider writing easy
adriancIt will be much easier regardless once async is nixed.  not that async is terrible, more that it doesn't help -> in the way
adriancmattstep +1 on that.. also good to re-read
mattstepmoving away from supporting async also lets us reduce the amount of generated proxies and such
etoewsmattstep: ya. it's been on my to read list for far too long.
etoewsreducing (eventually eliminating?) is my #1 reason for wanting to see async go away.
mattstepok, finally caught up
mattstepyeah, I tell people I work with if they want to avoid code review comments, read those two book and follow them religiously, then I really don't have much beyond "wtf does this do?" type comments
mattstepbooks even
mattstepadrianc : I think this is a brilliant idea, and I wholeheartedly support it.  Async apis in jclouds doesn't actually help anyone
mattstepit's a ton of extra code we have to maintain, and the prospect of sharing the load of what you do for the community today makes me defintely want it gone
gaulthis sounds like a win generally.  I suspect needing make some other accommodation for blobstore eventually since users tend to issue lots of small, parallel RPCs
mattstepalso, it would be awesome to have the flexibility when implementing the apis to be able to use interfaces, abstract classes, or concrete classes, and be able to only use the jersey stuff when it makes sense to
gauldoesn't seem like that applies to compute which is what most people use
mattstepand i think this is the only realistic way to get there
mattstepgaul : agreed
mattstepwell, i think there are some operations on compute that are like that, like checking the state of all the vms in a collection
mattstepbut it's not as big of a deal
gauladrianc: ok I understand the problem now.  I am happy to help with at least the blobstore side changes.
adrianccatching up on reading
gauland probably the interim fake asyncblobstore until I figure out how to provide a more meaningful workaround
mattstepcan actually help on blobstore now, and will :)
mattstepman, this channel is so much more interesting when adrianc is here, everyone else (including me) is so damn boring
adriancsorry got pulled away
adrianccool sounds like we are on the same page.
adriancand yeah there are valuable reusable tasks we still want to make easy esp in blobstore and compute
adriancthis isn't against that, more making room to work on that
adriancso my request is for you guys to speak your piece on!topic/jclouds-dev/iQXXZFeVq2Y
adriancI think tactically we can move pretty fast
adriancmeaning that in 1.6 we can add @Deprecated to the async apis and crufty things like BlobMap
adriancand carve in a way to build a rest connection that only returns the "formerly known as sync" api
adriancwhich makes for happy users and devs imho
adriancI think the prep stuff is totally doable and I volunteer weekend time on this
adriancthen in master, we simply remove the async stuff
adriancand there's a valid and compatible transition path
adriancmake sense?
mattstepdoes to me, i'm happy to help as well
adriancif folks are interested, we could hack some together this weekend somewhere
adriancp.s. I'll start tasking out the todo
adriancthere are many things that can be done in parallel

Adrian Cole

Apr 4, 2013, 3:17:23 PM4/4/13
This definitely removes some proxies, and is the first step towards supporting concrete implementations of ThingApi.


Apr 4, 2013, 3:29:12 PM4/4/13
I really like how easy and elegant is right now to perform asynchronous operations in jclouds, but I also like the idea of keeping things as simple as possible. Code will be easier to read, maintain and debug, so +1.

Apart from what has been mentioned, there will be some strategies (at least in the abiquo and chef providers) that use the async apis via the "transformParallel" utility. I'm sure we'll find more providers using similar approaches, so we need to take that into account too.

I think we can not properly estimate how many people is using the async stuff (we use it in Abiquo) so we should take special care documenting the new way of working asynchronously, to make the migrations as easy as possible.


Adrian Cole

Apr 4, 2013, 3:56:00 PM4/4/13
thanks for the support, Ignasi.

Within jclouds, I'm not sure the merit of continuing support or use of transformParallel.  Many times it works fine, but when it fails, it dies terribly and is scary in implementation.  It is definitely on my shit list :P

WRT migration strategies, there's a few routes I think.

 * instruct how to do what's going on now (return executor.submit(callableForGet(syncApi))).  For the rare cases where asyncapi is actually used for scatter-gather (typical in HATEOAS or delete in a for loop), this could be used and retains the same pros/cons of the current impl, adding the pro and con of visibility into exactly what's going on.
 * in the case where parallel isn't actually saving much or worse, causing issues, change to sync.
 * advise folks to craft their own parallel strategies, possibly looking at Brian Goetz book as a reference.
 * point outsiders who don't want to use java.util.concurrent or guavish stuff to libraries like rxjava (which has almost no deps) [1], hystrix (a few more deps, but tolerable)[2], heavier things like storm trident [3], or other languages to do parallel things.
 * (your idea here :) )


Andrew Phillips

Apr 5, 2013, 8:08:57 AM4/5/13
Would a couple of new examples in jclouds-examples on adding async
logic on top of the sync API help for the transition, in terms of
giving users a concrete piece of code to look at? Or are there too
many good ways of implementing that for us to want to make any
specific suggestions?


Everett Toews

Apr 5, 2013, 8:34:17 AM4/5/13
to <>
+1 for some examples

On Apr 5, 2013, at 7:08 AM, Andrew Phillips wrote:

> Would a couple of new examples in jclouds-examples on adding async logic on top of the sync API help for the transition, in terms of giving users a concrete piece of code to look at? Or are there too many good ways of implementing that for us to want to make any specific suggestions?
> ap

Adrian Cole

Apr 5, 2013, 12:45:33 PM4/5/13
Here's my idea of the plan.

Proof is in the pudding.  Like Ignasi said, there are some places where we use async internally, including the dreadful and helpful awaitCompletion thing :)  I volunteer to take on transitioning the gnarly vcloud api off async for its compute adapter.  A pull request therein will have examples that actually work.

Between now and jclouds 1.6.0-rc.4, we can prep folks by doing above work and also the following steps:

1. Make it possible to get just the top-level api (ex. contextBuilder.buildApi(NovaApi.class)
2. Make the top-level apis implement close able, so Context is no longer needed, and folks can still close the implicit executor services.
3. Tag all Async stuff deprecated for removal in jclouds 1.7 (which will likely be released as Apache jclouds 2.0)
4. Add a new example project (possibly just revised from your lab code) that does some asyncy stuff like upload a bunch of blobs concurrently, just using normal j.u.concurrent + guava.

Any folks able to help with the above?


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 5:08 AM, Andrew Phillips <> wrote:
Would a couple of new examples in jclouds-examples on adding async logic on top of the sync API help for the transition, in terms of giving users a concrete piece of code to look at? Or are there too many good ways of implementing that for us to want to make any specific suggestions?


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Apr 5, 2013, 10:40:40 PM4/5/13

I'll take care of abiquo and chef (no surprise :)), and help with other modules if needed.

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Adrian Cole

Apr 6, 2013, 1:53:19 AM4/6/13
Thanks, Ignasi.

I'll start some of the groundwork tomorrow morning pacific time, continuing later that afternoon and most of Sunday.

Catch you online!

Andrew Phillips

Apr 6, 2013, 10:05:17 AM4/6/13
> 4. Add a new example project (possibly just revised from your lab
> code) that does some asyncy stuff like upload a bunch of blobs
> concurrently, just using normal j.u.concurrent + guava.
> Any folks able to help with the above?

I can try my hand on 4., with a bit of discussion as regards what we
think good patterns to "recommend" are...

Exercises 3 and 4 [1, 2] would seem like good candidates here.



Adrian Cole

Apr 6, 2013, 1:04:56 PM4/6/13
I spent the morning on labs stuff.  I'll start async this afternoon.

Adrian Cole

Apr 7, 2013, 2:00:46 AM4/7/13
I got sidetracked today, and need to catch up on other things. I'll
pick whatever other folks haven't progressed by next weekend.


Adrian Cole

Apr 8, 2013, 2:19:35 PM4/8/13
Here's the task list.  Feel free to collaborate on it!

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Adrian Cole

Apr 9, 2013, 5:42:26 PM4/9/13
Here's the nail in the coffin pull request:

Note this proves things work by converting route53 to sync-only.

Please review when you can so that I can help convert a couple other newbies.


Adrian Cole

Apr 10, 2013, 5:53:17 PM4/10/13
syncing to a theater near you is.. 1.6.0-rc.4


Many thanks to Andrew(s), Matt, and Everett for all the help on pull reviews.


Everett Toews

Apr 10, 2013, 6:03:08 PM4/10/13
to <>
Many thanks to Adrian for the tireless effort.


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