Q&A Minutes 12-8-10

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Brad Johnson

Dec 10, 2010, 12:51:28 PM12/10/10
to jccc-queers...@googlegroups.com
Ahhhhhh *super sad face* Hello all and welcome back. Wednesday's meeting went well except....we didn't get our pizza D= Fear not my gay's and allies, there will be pizza soon enough! Cory Perish, our humble friend and pizza boy has informed us that because of an ordering problem that they were unable to deliver on the previous Monday but are perfectly capable of doing so this next Wednesday. Unfortunately we don't have our room next Wednesday so we will be moving everything to the CSI. If you don't know where that is then ask just about anyone in the group, almost all of us know where it is.

Alright, skipping the bogus last minute ice breaker we get to the D'Bronx Pizza Party. Apparently Sunday is the most available day for everyone to attend and therefor the pizza party will take place on Sunday the 19th at 7pm. Don't ask me which D'Bronx it is becaue I'm not sure =P Check the Facebook page for details and information.

Alright....skipping things on the sheet.....skipping things on the sheet....

With an ending semester the inevitable elections are coming around again. We will be needing new volunteers for next semester's officer positions, even though some of the current ones will be around to run again. Do keep in mind that we expect new member next semester so the position could go to anyone.

The next thing we discussed was our TLC kid. Some of our member have taken the liberty of purchasing some of the gifts already. Most of us have decided that we will be pooling donations in an attempt to get a digital camera. If the amount isn't enough then we'll just buy a gift card instead.

What we have: Mascara, Eye Liner, Mystery Book, Journal
We still need: More Mystery Books, Digital Camera

Next meeting we will also have Thank You cards for those who donated items for our Hamburger Mary's event. Many of our members have already had the chance to sign them at the potluck but we invite the rest of you to sign during the pizza party Wednesday.

Finally, I'd like to announce that next semesters meetings will be at 4pm rather than the usual 2pm. The day should be the same but updates will be posted on Facebook.

Yuupp...homework time....Oh! Right, I forgot. Ferrin appeared at the last few minutes of the meeting. From what I saw she seemed much better. Please don't flood her with crazy emails. I'm just happy she came back at all ^_^ Alright...now I'm finished =D

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