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Sep 2, 2010, 11:42:29 PM9/2/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
Hey group, this is the beginning of the most important thing we do on
campus, so please take a look, and see if any of the times so far fit
into your schedule. There will be a lot more coming in, this is just
the beginning!

Click on
- or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't

Scott White

Sep 3, 2010, 1:07:14 AM9/3/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies


Sep 3, 2010, 5:41:58 PM9/3/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
All of professor Sympsons classes are now on the calendar, please
check to see if you can make any of them!!!

Scott White

Sep 3, 2010, 10:07:54 PM9/3/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
Come on ya'll we need more than me and CJ lol

Sep 4, 2010, 4:24:42 PM9/4/10
Just like last Fall, the Web page won't work for me.  Here are the Speak Out Panels I plan on being on

Date: Wednesday, October 20th

Time: 11:00 - 11:50

Location: LIB 352

Class: Introduction to Psychology

Professor: Susie Sympson

Date: Wednesday, October 20th

Time: 1:00 - 1:50

Location: CLB 312

Class: Introduction to Psychology

Professor: Susie Sympson



Sep 6, 2010, 2:16:26 PM9/6/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
1. Go to the google groups.

2. In the right hand corner, there is a place that says 'sign
in'. ...Create a signin with an email you use regularly, that way you
always get updates.

3. Once signed in, go to the main group page again, then scroll down
to 'pages'. Click the Speak Out! Panel sign up page.

4. If you are LOGGED IN there will be an 'edit' option by the title of
the page. Click it, and fill out your availability in the slots
provided. Remember to SEND or SAVE once you have done that.

5. You must be signed in to edit the page!!

Reminder: If you have not attended a Speak Out! Panel before, please
sign up to OBSERVE a panel before signing up to participate in a


Sep 9, 2010, 1:35:36 PM9/9/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
Message has been deleted


Sep 9, 2010, 3:41:32 PM9/9/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
To start off the minutes I’d like to thank everyone who attended and
participated in helping at the table during Campus Kick-off. While I
do feel we made a sparkly mess I also feel we really managed to become
visible in a less visible location. I’d also like to say thanks for
not blowing up the condoms into certain shapes…

For those of you who could not attend or stay for very long I’d like
to say sorry you missed one of the most interesting days of the year.
At the table we had our college banner, “Queer?” banner, glitter,
streamers and various other party decorations. We also were giving out
information, skittles with our business cards and of course, condoms.
I was actually surprised to find out that we were out of condoms
before noon and managed to give out three full bags of skittles
somewhere after 1pm. All in all good jobs guys/gals.

The following club meeting had an impressive 28! Individuals attend
(including advisors). I was honestly surprised and slightly worried
that we’d run out of circle space (which we sort of did). The meeting
in a nutshell covered the following:

• Introductions
• Speak Out Rundown
• Ice Breakers
-SPLC Article
-Student Letter
• General Discussion
• Pizza Party/Potluck (still in the works)

Please email me or one of our advisors if you wish to know more about
the Speak Out Panels.

Ice Breaker: Typically before our meeting begins we have an ice
breaker, a game, activity or new snippet that we introduce move on to
more serious matters. This week our advisor Christina Buda brought two
written pieces to share with us.

-SPCL Article

The article was titled “Youth’s triumph over bullying is subject of
new SPLC film “written by the SPLC newspaper (Southern Poverty Law
Center). The setting was town in Wisconsin and the victim a boy named
Jamie Nabozny, now 34, who sadly was a victim of school bullying for
much of his academic life. The abuse ranged included verbal abuse that
became physical by 7th grade, mocking sexual gestures in front of
other classmates and even as far as being pushed into a urinal and
urinated upon. He sadly had to resort to evasive and defensive
strategies to move around the school without being noticed as much as
possible. It was obvious in the article that these acts hit hard
emotionally for Jamie. Thankfully he has risen and filed a lawsuit
against the school system pushing for equal protection and that sexual
orientation be placed in the anti-bullying policies. His suit led to
an important court decision that school officials could be held
accountable for not stopping such behavior. In addition to his suit
Jamie plans on sending out 25,000 teaching kits to educators this fall
to help better educate how to deal with such issues. He is also
working on a 40-minutes film that offers a powerful message to both
teachers and students about the reality of and pain that gay bullying
can cause.

-Speak Out Letter

I’ve been around for a few years and I smile when an advisor bring the
group one of these letters. Every so often, after we perform a speak
out panel for a class; someone will hear something that really hits
home. While many keep it to themselves some feel the need to write it
down. Unfortunately I can post the original letter because of privacy
but in a nutshell she wanted to say that she had prior to the meeting
found herself among those who didn’t take LGBT issues/people seriously
(most of this from a LGBT video shown before the speak out). I’m happy
to say that the panel touched her heart. She found fault in her
behavior, apologized and thanked our group for expanding her view of
the LGBT community in what was a very passionate letter. It was pretty
amazing to hear.

At the ending portion of the meeting we brought up the possibility of
a pizza party or potluck get together. At the moment we aren’t 100%
sure which we are going to be doing so be sure to keep your ears
That concludes the 09-08-2010 JCCC Q&A Minutes, thanks for keeping an
eye on us and hope to see you next week!


Sep 11, 2010, 9:00:11 PM9/11/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
Hey guys, just added some new panels for October 28th, room number is
unknown as of yet, but I should have it soon. Sign up!



Oct 6, 2010, 1:44:33 PM10/6/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
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