Q&A Minutes 10-20-10

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Brad Johnson

Oct 23, 2010, 2:44:46 PM10/23/10
to jccc-queers...@googlegroups.com
Wooo! Hey everyone, and congrats on another great week. As many of you may recall, this week was our big anti-bullying week as a response to and in memory of the 6 gay teens who took their own lives. As a group we've been selling purple bracelets that say "Break Bullying" and "I Don't Bully". The table were held and took donations on Monday through Wednesday. The bracelets were sold for $.50 while the skittles and condom packs were given out for free. I was amazed that we raised approximately $150 in those three days! (assuming I heard right =P) I'm not sure about the rest of you but to me that is a lot. As a group we honestly have never been too great at raising money so this is a great step forward in the funding department...yay =D

At Wednesday's meeting we didn't have an ice breaker, rather were too busy purplin' it up =P Whether it be with clothing, face paint or ribbons, our group and many others gathered in CC 212 in preparation for our photo. We managed to bring in a tad bit over 50 people for this event! WOOOO! It was pretty cool and I wish you all could have attended. The photo was taken and has been sent, hopefully we'll get lucky and land $3,000 for the group. Keep your fingers crossed!

After the photo shoot I was happy to see that many of the photo participants attended the meeting afterward which a few things were discussed. Firstly it was brought to our attention that there will be a documentary showing in the Craig Auditorium sometime soon called "Bully" that I'd advise all of you to see. It is thought that an actual date will be available on the 27th of this month.

Once again as a reminder, Hamburger Mary's is still doing weekly bingo fundraisers. Due to incomplete info I have to assume that next weeks bingo nights are for KU's benefit and it is suggested that as a group we do our best to contribute. The idea is that if we can help out KU then they will help us out sometime. I'd also like to say that we aren't too far off from having our own Hamburger Mary's fundraiser! Yay! The only thing we need from our members is volunteers and donations. It is suggested that we donate at least 20 inexpensive prizes. It can be anything from serious to naughty XD

Alright, now for the sad. During the meeting we learned that KU is unwilling to work with us on a fall/winter drag show but are willing to some other sort of event. Sadly this means no drag show until the spring. It was also learned afterward that we as a group will be needing to elect a new officer, so please attend if you can.

Ok, after all the boring chit chat =P we watched an interesting video put together by Gerome that can be found on the facebook page.

Mkay =D Th-Th-That's all folks!


Oct 25, 2010, 11:23:01 PM10/25/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
I can't wait to see the documentary. I may be coming back to the group
as soon as the family situation gets figured out, don't worry, my
parents have
been surprisingly understanding in the matter of me needing a group of
Oh and great video jerome! =D


Oct 26, 2010, 1:24:21 AM10/26/10
to JCCC Queers and Allies
It should be a great one! And I assume we'll have an update on it at
this weeks meeting.

Glad your parents have been understanding, and remember, we're here
for a reason! Find any of us at any time if you need to talk, or just
have some understanding friends around!

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