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Still possible to install jbrout ?

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Apr 23, 2023, 3:05:40 PM4/23/23
to jBrout

Is it still possible to install jbrout on Ubuntu? I installed git, cloned and tried to install but I get an error.

I tried Shotwell but I really prefer jbrout :)

Would be so cool to use it again !


Matěj Cepl

Apr 27, 2023, 3:02:55 PM4/27/23
On 2023-04-23, 19:05 GMT, Franz wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it still possible to install jbrout on Ubuntu? I installed git,
> cloned and tried to install
> but I get an error.

You would have to resurrect/resuscitate/revive three things, and
I am not sure whether you could do it:

1. Python 2 … jbrout is firmly py2k application, and it won’t be
ever ported without
2. PyGTK … now mostly all dead everywhere (we are just in the
process of eliminating it completely from openSUSE), and
3. … yes, this ancient Python2-only version

If you can manage to do that, I don't see a reason, why it
shouldn't work. And yes, I agree, even with all advances with
other photo managers (and death of some of them … e.g.,
particularly Shotwell is on some kind of life support as well),
I don’t see anything as good as jbrout. I have settled on gThumb
(except it doesn’t work for me well now, when I am on sway), but
if anybody who knows anything about Python+Gnome programming
these days would port jbrout to the current world, I would switch
in next second.


GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain,
but we can avoid joy.
-- Tim Hansel


Apr 28, 2023, 4:20:25 AM4/28/23
to jBrout
Hello  Matěj, 

Thanks for your answer! I know now what steps I could try to make it work on my computer. Not sure I can do it, but I can investigate. 

I also will try gThumb (what is "sway" by the way?)

Sure, I would love to hear about a Python programmer make it work on Python 3 !  

Fred P ? Manatlan? Any chance ?

Have a nice day, 


Matěj Cepl

Apr 29, 2023, 10:43:18 AM4/29/23
On 2023-04-28, 08:20 GMT, Franz wrote:
> I also will try gThumb (what is "sway" by the way?), i.e., I don’t use Gnome.

> Sure, I would love to hear about a Python programmer make it work on Python
> 3 !
> Fred P ? Manatlan? Any chance ?

Manatalan was last seen creating clone of jbrout as a single-page
webapp (, but I guess that
project is dead as well.


GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

To love another person
Is to see the face of God.
-- yes, incredibly cheesy verse from the screenplay of the
movie Les Miserables (2012)

Matěj Cepl

May 3, 2023, 3:43:44 PM5/3/23
On 2023-04-23, 20:42 GMT, Matěj Cepl wrote:
> 3. … yes, this ancient Python2-only version

If you hate Bazaar (and I would completely understand) then I
have created Git clone on


GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

To bear a grudge and pray, means to sow seed on the sea and expect
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-- Saint Isaac of Nineveh


Jul 12, 2023, 8:07:54 AM7/12/23
to jBrout
Thanks Matěj but my computer skills are limited.

I could install python2 and switched as default. I tried to install pyexiv2 but I'm not sure it's installed corectly.

But anyway I can't install PyGTK....

I'm afraid it's too complicated for me...


Jul 12, 2023, 9:17:04 AM7/12/23
to jBrout
Yeah, PyGtk is the reason why I have basically gave up on jbrout. Now I am unhappily switching between gThumb and Shotwell, and that's it. Life sucks.


Dne středa 12. července 2023 v 14:07:54 UTC+2 uživatel Franz napsal:


Jul 14, 2023, 7:22:20 AM7/14/23
to jBrout
😅 Same here, I tried Shotwell and did note like it much. I'm now on gThumb that I prefer. I'm discovering it's possibilities and it's quite ok. But I really miss the tag management that was so cool with jbrout.

Life sucks Indeed 😅

Francois Chartier

Jul 15, 2023, 4:00:57 AM7/15/23

I'm at about the same point. I had started to look into a python3 version from what Matej had started, but I'm really not proficient with graphical interfaces. 

So I'm using shotwell (mostly for researches with the timeline) and geeqie for visualization (it's fairly fast and good for navigating in folders). I haven't really tried gthumb. But basically, I gave up on tagging my pictures when I stopped using jbrout...

Maybe we should ask for improved tag management on these other tools, pointing to their Dev teams the awesomeness of it in jbrout :)

Oh, one thing: switching from jbrout to shotwell gave something weird: the individual tags from jbrout were recognized globally by shotwell. So each combination of tags became one tag in shotwell. I wanted to reorganize them but is far I haven't done so. Did you notice that too ? Is that because we were doing things wrong in jbrout, or is this rather due to a bad handling in shotwell ? 


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Jul 20, 2023, 7:41:08 AM7/20/23
to jBrout

I have the same problem in Shotwell (tags "x,y,z" instead of "x" ; "y" ; "z"). gThumb recognize them better : only 4 weird tags like this ("x,y,z") out of more than 500.

It's a good idea to ask for improvements of gThumb and Shotwell. I tried to sum up why jbrout was so great at managing the tags :
- The possibility to sort them by categories and sub-categories
- The ultra fast processing (probably thanks to the xml files containing all tags and links to the files)
- The ease to tag pictures. If I remember well, typing any letter automatically let you choose from the tag list

Perhaps you guys see other great features of jbrout.

I continued to tag my pictures with Shotwell and now with gThumb. Basically my needs are for tagging :
- the quality of the pictures, so that I can find later the better ones associated with tags. It also helps me reduce the number of pics to tag (only the best ones).
- people tagging. I have never tried any automated face recognition software, could be very usefull even if that raises ethical questions. Someone ever tried? Any opensource software available that does not collect any data?
- location. The automation is easy with geolocalitsation even if I don't use it for now.

gThumb has a lot of keyboard shortcuts, great tagging possibilities (although far from jbrout). What I don't like : it often crashes + the need to manually import the tags (unless I'm mistaken there's no option like in jbrout to automatically add the tags created to software's database, here "catalogues" in gThumb)

I also like the timeline presentation of Shotwell but the bad tag recognition (tags "x,y,z" instead of "x" ; "y" ; "z") is a no-go for me.


Jul 20, 2023, 7:58:33 AM7/20/23
to jBrout
In gThumb, a research based on tags takes ages, compared to the the almost instantaneous jbrout processing. I guess the killer feature is certainly the xml database. gThumb has to search all files for the tag combination  and when you have a lot of pics... I own a fast computer and a gThumb search takes almost 10 minutes!!!

Matěj Cepl

Jul 20, 2023, 11:53:30 AM7/20/23
On 2023-07-20, 11:41 GMT, Franz wrote:
> It's a good idea to ask for improvements of gThumb and Shotwell. I tried to
> sum up why jbrout was so great at managing the tags :
> - The possibility to sort them by categories and sub-categories
> - The ultra fast processing (probably thanks to the xml files containing
> all tags and links to the files)
> - The ease to tag pictures. If I remember well, typing any letter
> automatically let you choose from the tag list

Wouldn’t it be better to express yourself on the GThumb issue tracker?

> - people tagging. I have never tried any automated face recognition
> software, could be very usefull even if that raises ethical questions.
> Someone ever tried? Any opensource software available that does not collect
> any data?

Shotwell 0.32.1 (current Flatpak) has some support for marking faces.

> - location. The automation is easy with geolocalitsation even if I don't
> use it for now.

Yes, that would be nice, but I see preciously little support
for it anywhere. Neither Shotweel nor GThumb seem to have much
available. Perhaps somebody could write some plugin?

> gThumb has a lot of keyboard shortcuts, great tagging possibilities
> (although far from jbrout). What I don't like : it often crashes + the need
> to manually import the tags (unless I'm mistaken there's no option like in
> jbrout to automatically add the tags created to software's database, here
> "catalogues" in gThumb)

Again probably some plugin would be needed? Looking
are these extensions written only in C, or could be used as well?


GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

Nouze z lidí lotry činí // a vlky z lesů žene hlad.
-- François Villon: Závěť

Oleg Blazhyievskyi

Jul 20, 2023, 11:59:51 AM7/20/23

Did you try to ask ChatGPT or some similar tool to translate it from python2 to python3?
Best regards
Oleg Blazhyievskyi

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Frédéric Da Vitoria

Jul 20, 2023, 12:19:47 PM7/20/23
Le 20/07/2023 à 17:07, Matěj Cepl a écrit :
> On 2023-07-20, 11:41 GMT, Franz wrote:
>> - people tagging. I have never tried any automated face recognition
>> software, could be very usefull even if that raises ethical questions.
>> Someone ever tried? Any opensource software available that does not collect
>> any data?
>> Shotwell 0.32.1 (current Flatpak) has some support for marking faces.
DigiKam does face recognition, not perfect, but quite correctly IMO.

>> gThumb has a lot of keyboard shortcuts, great tagging possibilities
>> (although far from jbrout). What I don't like : it often crashes + the need
>> to manually import the tags (unless I'm mistaken there's no option like in
>> jbrout to automatically add the tags created to software's database, here
>> "catalogues" in gThumb)
> Again probably some plugin would be needed? Looking
> at
> are these extensions written only in C, or could
> be used as well?
Again, DigiKam stores the tags (and other metadata) in a database, so
that it is pretty fast. I have been using DK for months on Windows
without any crash. DK automatically retrieves tags from the images. All
I had to do is tell it where my pictures were stored, DK did the rest.
DK is even able to find metadata in sidecar files.

The downside is that DK could be too complex for some users. And
settings are complex too.

Matěj Cepl

Jul 20, 2023, 1:53:33 PM7/20/23
On 2023-07-20, 16:19 GMT, Frédéric Da Vitoria wrote:
> Again, DigiKam stores the tags (and other metadata) in a database, so
> that it is pretty fast. I have been using DK for months on Windows
> without any crash. DK automatically retrieves tags from the images. All
> I had to do is tell it where my pictures were stored, DK did the rest.
> DK is even able to find metadata in sidecar files.

But Digikam stores metadata ONLY in its own proprietary database,
doesn’t it? Or do they store them in the photos itself now as
XMP/IPTC tags?


GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

The world is coming to an end! Repent and return those library

Frédéric Da Vitoria

Jul 23, 2023, 2:26:21 AM7/23/23
Le 20/07/2023 à 19:49, Matěj Cepl a écrit :
> On 2023-07-20, 16:19 GMT, Frédéric Da Vitoria wrote:
>> Again, DigiKam stores the tags (and other metadata) in a database, so
>> that it is pretty fast. I have been using DK for months on Windows
>> without any crash. DK automatically retrieves tags from the images. All
>> I had to do is tell it where my pictures were stored, DK did the rest.
>> DK is even able to find metadata in sidecar files.
> But Digikam stores metadata ONLY in its own proprietary database,
> doesn’t it? Or do they store them in the photos itself now as
> XMP/IPTC tags?
> Best,
> Matěj
Sorry it took me so long to answer, I wanted to check before answering.

I did a few tests : DigiKam stores the keywords both in it's database
and in the images. I tested only keywords, but I guess this is true with
almost all metadata. Plus, DK stores the keywords both in IPTC and XMP
format. The hierarchical parts of keywords are stored only in XMP
format. IOW, if you create a Europe keyword with a Spain sub-keyword,
the images will contain "Europe/Spain" in XMP format and "Spain" in IPTC
format. I guess this is because IPTC does not support hierarchical keywords.

I believe DK does not store face regions (the coordinates of faces) in
the images. There may be other DK-specific data which would be kept in
the database only. I would be surprised if DK did not store and update
all standard metadata in the images.

Documentation about storing metadata :

Once again, DK is not a perfect replacement for JBrout. JBrout was KISS
software, while DK aims to offer everything needed to handle a
collection of images, including RAW importation, face recognition... But
DK is good, reliable and fast. Except when you ask it to perform face
recognition on thousands of images 😂

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