On 03/10/13 17:53, Gmail PK wrote:
> I wonder if jBrout is planning to be port to the new gexiv2 in
> replacment of pyexiv2.
> I know that there's still the PEP8-itization and I guess that Matej has
> still his own schedule so it's just for information.
There is and issue 215 and
https://gitorious.org/jbrout/jbrout/source/gexiv2-215, but truly I
didn't have much time to work on it lately (and I have to admit that
being lone developer on so large programs wears on me a bit). Another
bad news is that it is not just about a trivial replacement of
pyexiv2->gexiv2, but once you touch GObject Introspection (which is what
gexiv2 uses) you have to go all way and replace pygtk2 with GOI Gtk
bindings as well. Yes, we have to do it sometime, but it is a huge
undertaking, and I am really bad in GUI programming.
I would really need a help from somebody who knows a bit about GUI
http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber:
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Always make new mistakes
-- Esther Dyson