JBlas on x86 : Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: daxpy_, dgemm_.

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Naresh Bhat

Mar 31, 2016, 5:06:10 AM3/31/16
to jblas-users, mi...@cs.tu-berlin.de

I tried to compile the JBlas on my Laptop. 

Laptop - Dell LATITUDE E6430
OS      - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I have cloned https://github.com/mikiobraun/jblas.git

I have followed the below steps

1. Clone the git repo https://github.com/mikiobraun/jblas.git or Download the tar file from  http://jblas.org/
2. It depends on the lapack or atlas you can configure the
   ./configure --download-lapack
3. The lapack source is placed and extracted
   a. Install gfortran "sudo apt-get install gfortran"
   b. Compile and generate using gfortran the lapack
      edit Makefile in lapack change the following line
      "all: lapack_install lib lapack_testing blas_testing" to "all: lapack_install lib" since you don't need testing
   c. Execute "make all"  

4. Continue the configure

But got into following error while configuring.  Can somebody please help me ?

nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/jblas$ ./configure --libpath=/usr/lib --libs=openblas,lapack --download-lapack --build-type=openblas
checking for java, javac... ok
determining operating system... ok (Linux)
determining architecture... ok (amd64)
determining architecture flavor... ok (sse3)
looking for nm... ok
locating the Java Development Kit... ok (/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64)
Setting up gcc and flags... ok (gcc)
deciding whether to use g77 or gfortran... ok (gfortran)
looking for version of make... ok (make)
search for lapack sources (configure by --lapack=dir)... ok (./lapack-lite-3.1.1)
determining build type... ok (dynamic)
getting library path...... ok (["/usr/lib"])
determining whether to build for lapack or atlas... ok (openblas)
looking for libraries...... *failed*

Configuration failed!

Reason: Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: daxpy_, dgemm_.

Can you please help me to overcome from the above configure error ?

Thanks and Regards
-Naresh Bhat

Naresh Bhat

Mar 31, 2016, 6:48:27 AM3/31/16
to jblas-users, mi...@cs.tu-berlin.de
ok,  I am able to compile on x86 machine and I did the following

OpenBlas and JBlas JNI compilation on x86:

Download OpenBlas from http://www.openblas.net/

$ wget http://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/archive/v0.2.17.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf v0.2.17.tar.gz
$ cd OpenBLAS-0.2.17

nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/OpenBLAS-0.2.17$ make
nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/OpenBLAS-0.2.17$ sudo make install
nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/jblas$ ./configure --libpath=/opt/OpenBLAS/lib --libs=openblas --build-type=openblas
nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/jblas$ make clean all
nareshbhat@Latitude-E6430:~/jblas$ mvn clean package

It generates the JAR file

[INFO] Building jar: /home/nareshbhat/jblas/target/jblas-1.2.4-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar

Anybody tried to compile the same on ARM64 machine ?  I am going to try the same.  I appreciate your help.

Thanks and Regards
-Naresh Bhat

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