SELECT and suppress "Record xxx is not on file" error

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Greg Motter

Sep 23, 2022, 12:14:36 PM9/23/22
to jBASE
Ignorant question here, but I don't remember this being such an issue on Universe. But is there a way in a SELECT statement to suppress the "Record xxx is not on file" error? Can do this with a DuoSelect, but seems there should be an easier way to just suppress the errors which slow it down so much.

Clifford Ponce

Dec 10, 2022, 12:14:03 AM12/10/22
to jBASE
If you are using an EXECUTE in a program to run the statement use the CAPTURING and RETURNING clauses to suppress screen output.

David Lamoree

Feb 6, 2023, 9:45:55 PM2/6/23
to jBASE
If you haven't already resolved this, use the "(R" option at the end of the select statement.  For example: SELECT VENDOR (R.  This also works for the any other jBASE function (eg; SORT, LIST, COUNT, etc).
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