Cataloging Jazz's source code

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Guillaume Cartier

May 26, 2013, 5:30:21 PM5/26/13
Related to a recent message by Antti Karttunen on using Jedi's prebuilt binaries at I would like to explain some options on cataloging Jazz's source code.

First it is important to understand that every code-related feature in Jedi (code completion, syntax coloring, F12 edit definition, shift-F12 edit references, ...) relies on cataloging source code.

With this in mind, you have 3 options :

#1 The best one if you plan on doing serious Jazz development is to build Jedi from the source code in which case you of course have access to Jedi and Jazz's source code.

If you installed Jedi's prebuilt binaries they do not come with Jazz's source code included.

#2 The simplest solution is then to use the .otl outline files that come bundled with the prebuilt binaries. When Jazz compiles a file into a Gambit .o1 it also extracts all the signatures into a .otl outline file similar to a C header. Jedi can catalog those files giving you access to almost every code-related feature even though you don't have access to the source code. To do so, simply right-click on the Workbench project in the Workbench pane and choose "Import Directory...". Then select the directory containing Jedi's prebuilt binaries. That's it, Jedi will now start cataloging the outline files.

#3 Option #2 will only give you access to the signatures. If you want to look at or modify Jazz's source code, install it from into some folder. Then in Jedi : File / New Project..., choose "Empty" on the left, give it a Name: lets say "jazz" and OK. Now right-click of this new "jazz" project and choose "Import Directory...", now simply select the folder where you installed Jazz's source code. That's it, Jedi will now start cataloging Jazz's source code.


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