jedi build fails on Linux Mint

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May 29, 2014, 12:04:10 PM5/29/14
I pulled the most recent version of jedi from github ( ) and tried to build it.

At first jam had trouble fetching the gambit submodule (it was using '' in the 'url'
field of the submodule config, so I changed that to  'git://', and it was able to update the

But now I can't seem to get past the 'make scheme.core' step in the build process.  Here is a transcript of the build:

$ ./jam
JazzScheme Build System v2.7.12

% configure
  system: gambit
  platform: unix
  windowing: x11
  safety: release
  optimize?: #f
  debug-environments?: #t
  debug-location?: #t
  debug-source?: #f
  mutable-bindings?: #f
  kernel-interpret?: #f
  destination: #f
  properties: ()

% make jedi
make kernel
make scheme.core
0  ##full-name?           
1  ##cte-lookup           
2  ##var-lookup           
3  ##comp-ref             
4  ##comp-vals            
5  ##comp-app             
6  ##comp-let             
7  ##comp-vals            
8  ##comp-let             
9  ##comp-let             
10 ##comp-lambda-aux      
11 ##comp-let             
12 ##comp-top-define      
13 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
14 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
15 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
16 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
17 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
18 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
19 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
20 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
21 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
22 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
23 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
24 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
25 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
26 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
27 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
28 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
29 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
30 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
31 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
32 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
33 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
34 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
35 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
36 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
37 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
38 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
39 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
40 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
41 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
42 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
43 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
44 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
45 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
46 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
47 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
48 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
49 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
50 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
51 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
52 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
53 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
54 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
55 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
56 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
57 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
58 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
59 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
60 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
61 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
62 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
63 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
64 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
65 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
66 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
67 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
68 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
69 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
70 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
71 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
72 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
73 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
74 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
75 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
76 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
77 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
78 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
79 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
80 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
81 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
82 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
83 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
84 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
85 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
86 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
87 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
88 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
89 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
90 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
91 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
92 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
93 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
94 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
95 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
96 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
97 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
98 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
99 ##comp-top-seq-aux     
100 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
101 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
102 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
103 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
104 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
105 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
106 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
107 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
108 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
109 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
110 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
111 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
112 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
113 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
114 ##comp-top-seq-aux    
115 ##in-new-compilation-scope
116 ##compile-in-compilation-scope
117 | _eval|              
118 ##load                
119 ##load                
120 jazz:load-file         "jazz/kernel/runtime/common.scm"@53:9
        pathname == '(path: "/build/jedi/jazz/lib/jazz/src/jazz/dialect/runt...
        rest == '(#f)
        quiet? == #f
121 jazz:load-resource     "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1789:9
122 jazz:with-verbose      "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1823:7
        flag == #f
        action == "loading"
        path == "jazz/dialect/runtime.scm"
        proc == '#<procedure #2>
        port == '#<input-output-port #3 (console)>
123 jazz:load-resource     "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1787:5
        resource == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Reposit...
        rest == '()
        quiet? == #f
124 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1866:23
125 jazz:with-extension-reader "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2238:11
126 jazz:with-extension-reader "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2237:9
        extension == "scm"
        thunk == '#<procedure #4>
        g46 == current-readtable
        readtable-getter == '#<procedure #5>
        g47 == '#<readtable #6>
127 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1864:19
128 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
129 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
130 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
131 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
        g28 == jazz:generate-symbol-for
        g30 == jazz:generate-symbol-context
        g32 == jazz:generate-symbol-counter
132 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1834:7
133 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1834:7
        src == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        obj == #f
        bin == #f
        load-proc == #f
        obj-uptodate? == #f
        bin-uptodate? == #f
        g25 == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        lib-uptodate? == #f
        manifest == #f
134 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@944:9
        obj == #f
        obj-uptodate? == #f
        bin-uptodate? == #f
        lib-uptodate? == #f
        bin == #f
        manifest == #f
135 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@929:5
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect.runtime
        extensions == #f
        proc == '#<procedure #7>
        force-interpreted? == #f
        src == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        image-unit == #f
136 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1832:3
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect.runtime
        force-source? == #f
137 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2059:32
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect.runtime
138 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2055:28
139 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2054:26
        unit-state == #f
        g35 == '((:load . jazz.dialect.runtime) (:load . jazz.dialect) (:wal...
140 jazz:call-with-load-lock "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2007:7
        thunk == '#<procedure #8>
141 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2047:13
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect.runtime
        unit-state == #f
142 (interaction)          "jazz/lib/jazz/src/jazz/dialect/_dialect.scm"@38:1 .
143 ##load                
144 ##load                
145 jazz:load-file         "jazz/kernel/runtime/common.scm"@53:9
        pathname == '(path: "/build/jedi/jazz/lib/jazz/src/jazz/dialect/_dia...
        rest == '(#f)
        quiet? == #f
146 jazz:load-resource     "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1789:9
147 jazz:with-verbose      "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1823:7
        flag == #f
        action == "loading"
        path == "jazz/dialect/_dialect.scm"
        proc == '#<procedure #9>
        port == '#<input-output-port #3 (console)>
148 jazz:load-resource     "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1787:5
        resource == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Reposit...
        rest == '()
        quiet? == #f
149 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1866:23
150 jazz:with-extension-reader "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2238:11
151 jazz:with-extension-reader "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2237:9
        extension == "scm"
        thunk == '#<procedure #10>
        g46 == current-readtable
        readtable-getter == '#<procedure #5>
        g47 == '#<readtable #6>
152 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1864:19
153 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
154 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
155 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
156 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1860:17
        g28 == jazz:generate-symbol-for
        g30 == jazz:generate-symbol-context
        g32 == jazz:generate-symbol-counter
157 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1834:7
158 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1834:7
        src == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        obj == #f
        bin == #f
        load-proc == #f
        obj-uptodate? == #f
        bin-uptodate? == #f
        g25 == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        lib-uptodate? == #f
        manifest == #f
159 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@944:9
        obj == #f
        obj-uptodate? == #f
        bin-uptodate? == #f
        lib-uptodate? == #f
        bin == #f
        manifest == #f
160 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@929:5
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect
        extensions == #f
        proc == '#<procedure #11>
        force-interpreted? == #f
        src == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        image-unit == #f
161 jazz:load-unit-src/bin "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1832:3
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect
        force-source? == #f
162 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2059:32
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect
163 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2055:28
164 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2054:26
        unit-state == #f
        g35 == '((:load . jazz.dialect) (:walk . scheme.core))
165 jazz:call-with-load-lock "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2007:7
        thunk == '#<procedure #12>
166 jazz:load-unit         "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2047:13
        unit-name == 'jazz.dialect
        unit-state == #f
167 #<procedure #13>       "jazz/lib/jazz/src/jazz/install.scm"@64:5 (jazz:l...
168 jazz:with-extension-reader "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2237:9
        extension == "jazz"
        thunk == (lambda () (let ((char-encoding (if (string? pathname/resou...
        g46 == current-readtable
        readtable-getter == (lambda () (jazz:load-foundation) (jazz:load-uni...
169 jazz:read-toplevel-forms "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5519:5
        source = "/build/jedi/jazz/lib/scheme.core/src/scheme/core/_core.jazz"
        pathname/resource = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #(...
        read-literals? = #f
170 jazz:read-toplevel-form "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5531:14
        resource = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Reposito...
        read-literals? = #f
171 #<procedure #14>       "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5464:29 .
        src = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        src = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        obj = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        bin = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        lib = #f
        obj-uptodate? = #t
        bin-uptodate? = #t
        lib-uptodate? = #f
        manifest = '#((Manifest structure) scheme.core 207012 "6838235cdcde4...
        load-toplevel-declaration = (lambda () (jazz:with-unit-resources uni...
        try-sourceless-outline = (lambda (unit-name src bin) (if (and (##not...
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        use-catalog? = #t
        error? = #t
172 jazz:with-verbose      "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1823:7
        flag == #f
        action == "outlining"
        path == "/build/jedi/jazz/lib/scheme.core/src/scheme/core/_core.jazz"
        proc == (lambda () (let ((form (jazz:read-toplevel-form src read-lit...
        port == '#<input-output-port #3 (console)>
173 #<procedure #15>       "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5461:13 .
        src = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        src = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        obj = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        bin = '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository st...
        lib = #f
        obj-uptodate? = #t
        bin-uptodate? = #t
        lib-uptodate? = #f
        manifest = '#((Manifest structure) scheme.core 207012 "6838235cdcde4...
        load-toplevel-declaration = (lambda () (jazz:with-unit-resources uni...
        try-sourceless-outline = (lambda (unit-name src bin) (if (and (##not...
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        use-catalog? = #t
        error? = #t
174 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@944:9
        obj == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        obj-uptodate? == #t
        bin-uptodate? == #t
        lib-uptodate? == #f
        bin == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        manifest == '#((Manifest structure) scheme.core 207012 "6838235cdcde...
175 jazz:with-unit-resources "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@929:5
        unit-name == 'scheme.core
        extensions == #f
        proc == (lambda (src obj bin lib obj-uptodate? bin-uptodate? lib-upt...
        force-interpreted? == #f
        src == '#((Resource structure) #((Package structure) #((Repository s...
        image-unit == #f
176 load-toplevel-declaration "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5454:5
        load-toplevel-declaration = (lambda () (jazz:with-unit-resources uni...
        try-sourceless-outline = (lambda (unit-name src bin) (if (and (##not...
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        use-catalog? = #t
        error? = #t
177 #<procedure #16>       "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5494:32 .
        load-toplevel-declaration = (lambda () (jazz:with-unit-resources uni...
        try-sourceless-outline = (lambda (unit-name src bin) (if (and (##not...
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        use-catalog? = #t
        error? = #t
178 #<procedure #17>       "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5422:13 .
        #:g16 = jazz:current-load-stack
        #:g17 = '((:walk . scheme.core))
        entry = #f
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        thunk = (lambda () (let ((feedback (jazz:outline-feedback))) (if fee...
179 #<procedure #18>       "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5421:11 .
        #:g16 = jazz:current-load-stack
        #:g17 = '((:walk . scheme.core))
        entry = #f
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        thunk = (lambda () (let ((feedback (jazz:outline-feedback))) (if fee...
180 jazz:call-with-load-lock "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@2008:5
        thunk == (lambda () (let ((entry (jazz:get-catalog-entry unit-name))...
181 jazz:call-with-catalog-entry-lock "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5416:3
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        thunk = (lambda () (let ((feedback (jazz:outline-feedback))) (if fee...
182 jazz:outline-unit      "jazz/lib/dialect/src/dialect/runtime.scm"@5489:9 ..
        load-toplevel-declaration = (lambda () (jazz:with-unit-resources uni...
        try-sourceless-outline = (lambda (unit-name src bin) (if (and (##not...
        unit-name = 'scheme.core
        use-catalog? = #t
        error? = #t
183 jazz:for-each-subunit  "jazz/lib/core/src/core/unit/runtime/_runtime.scm"@47:55
        toplevel-name == 'scheme.core
        proc == '#<procedure #19>
        subunits == '#<table #20>
184 || "jazz/lib/core/src/core/unit/build/_build.scm"@300:1
        unit-name == 'scheme.core
185 jazz:build-unit        "jazz/kernel/runtime/setup.scm"@65:3
        rest == '(scheme.core)
186 jazz:update-product-descriptor "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1435:5
        temp.251 == jazz:build-unit
        temp.254 == '(scheme.core scheme.core.kernel)
187 jazz:build-product-descriptor "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1457:5
        descriptor == '(scheme.core (update scheme.core scheme.core.kernel))
188 jazz:build-product-descriptor "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1468:5
        descriptor == '(scheme.core (update scheme.core scheme.core.kernel))
        unit == #f
        force? == #f
189 jazz:build-product     "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1447:11
        name == 'scheme.core
        product == '#((Product structure) scheme.core #f #f #f #f #<procedur...
        build == jazz:build-product-descriptor
        build-library == jazz:build-library-descriptor
        descriptor == '(scheme.core (update scheme.core scheme.core.kernel))
190 jazz:subprocess-build-products "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1666:18
        established-port == '#<input-output-port #22 (tcp-client #u8(127 0 0...
191 jazz:subprocess-build-products "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1659:14
        established-port == '#<input-output-port #22 (tcp-client #u8(127 0 0...
        product == 'scheme.core
192 jazz:subprocess-build-products "jazz/kernel/runtime/unit.scm"@1654:5
        port == 57207
        established-port == '#<input-output-port #22 (tcp-client #u8(127 0 0...

% quit


So, am I missing something?  I can't make out a specific error in the above output.

Thanks for any help.

Stephane Le Cornec

May 29, 2014, 1:48:05 PM5/29/14
All I can tell you is that jazz.dialect.runtime has a problem loading, probably because of the macros.
frame 120 pathname
frame 135 unit-name

Hopefully GC will offer more.

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Marc Feeley

May 29, 2014, 2:45:13 PM5/29/14

On May 29, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Stephane Le Cornec <> wrote:

> All I can tell you is that jazz.dialect.runtime has a problem loading, probably because of the macros.
> frame 120 pathname
> frame 135 unit-name
> Hopefully GC will offer more.

The error is strangely reminiscent of a problem that was solved in Gambit in the past 2 months. So I’m hoping GC will update the JazzScheme Gambit submodule, or simply point to the official Gambit repo (I think that this is now possible).


May 29, 2014, 2:53:16 PM5/29/14

Wow, thanks Marc. I'll look at the diffs with the current Gambit repos, and see if I can find the problem there.

Guillaume Cartier

May 29, 2014, 3:58:41 PM5/29/14
to JazzScheme
Indeed Marc, the problem was I didn't sync the Jazz's Gambit submodule after you fixed the problem. This is now fixed.

I also changed the Gambit submodule url to: git:// as suggested by repleffect (thanks!).



May 29, 2014, 4:14:34 PM5/29/14

Well, I pointed the config to the Gambit repos ( and refetched the submodule.  Then I removed the jazz/foreign/gambit subdirectory under jedi, so that it would get rebuilt.  Running ./jam again under the jedi directory caused the gambit submodule and the jazz/foreign/gambit executables to get rebuilt.

Unfortunately "make scheme" in jam still gives the exact same errors.  So I don't think it is a problem with anything in Gambit itself.

May 29, 2014, 4:16:43 PM5/29/14

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:58:41 PM UTC-5, Guillaume Cartier wrote:
Indeed Marc, the problem was I didn't sync the Jazz's Gambit submodule after you fixed the problem. This is now fixed.

I also changed the Gambit submodule url to: git:// as suggested by repleffect (thanks!).


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM, <> wrote:

OK, well now I feel stupid, since I posted that last reply before you posted this :-D

I'll do a fresh pull from the repository and see if I can get everything to build now.

May 29, 2014, 4:58:07 PM5/29/14

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 3:16:43 PM UTC-5, wrote:

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:58:41 PM UTC-5, Guillaume Cartier wrote:
Indeed Marc, the problem was I didn't sync the Jazz's Gambit submodule after you fixed the problem. This is now fixed.

I also changed the Gambit submodule url to: git:// as suggested by repleffect (thanks!).


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM, <> wrote:

OK, well now I feel stupid, since I posted that last reply before you posted this :-D

I'll do a fresh pull from the repository and see if I can get everything to build now.

Well, we appear to have a winner!  Compiling is not quite done yet, but has already progressed to "make jazz.ui", so I suspect it will be successful.

Thanks for the help!

May 29, 2014, 5:14:47 PM5/29/14

Yes indeed!  Jedi is running on my Linux box as we speak.

Thanks again.
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