Our Global Initiative Meditation is, Sunday, October 24 "Healing Grief" with Javier Ruiz

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Javier Ruiz

Oct 22, 2021, 9:30:40 PM10/22/21
to javie...@googlegroups.com
Por este medio les quiero anunciar que este domingo a la 1pm voy a dirigir una meditación global enfocada en los lutos. Los que quieran conectarse pueden usar el siguiente enlace: 

Actividad libre de costo. 
Será cursada en inglés. 

Compartan con sus contactos 

Javier Ruiz 

BBSH - BBIRH Global Meditation Initiative
The next meditation will be held

Sunday October 24, 2021
1 PM EDT (New York)
17:00 GMT
Via Zoom (see link below)


Dear All,

Please join us as we offer prayer and meditation to all the people of the world as we hold the following intention...

Healing Grief

  This event is open to the public so please feel free to pass this invitation among friends and family that want to join us for these group events. 

To convert the event time to the local time in your area:  https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

With Gratitude,

Javier Ruiz
BBSH 2007
San Juan, Puerto Rico

BBSH is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: BBSH's Sunday Meditation 
Time: 1 PM EDT/ 17:00 GMT
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Password: BBSH

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Password: 766454
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeeBx0wuWR
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