Get Value into Hypertree data

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Oct 26, 2016, 9:00:40 AM10/26/16
to JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit
Hi all together,

I am currently using the hypertree template and I am visualising data out of a Moodle Database. There I extract the values: id,name,parent,link.

The first three values are used to build up the tree. The value 'link' i want to use to get a link to a Video on the rigth side of the tree (onComplete:function() ).
I am using all these values in the file 'example1.js' by encrypting my json file.

function init(){
 jQuery.get("Testerich.php", function(data){
  var obj = JSON.parse(data);
 }).fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){alert("FAILED " + textStatus + " " + jqXHR.status + " " + errorThrown)});

Now my Problem is that I dont know how to get the link Display on the right side. I have to put it somehow into the data field to Access it by but I dont know how I have to Change my jsonfile or my databasse to get the right Connections.

Does somebody can help me or had the same problem?

I would be appreciate

Murray Bourne

Nov 24, 2016, 10:03:57 PM11/24/16
to JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

This forum is very quiet and it seems the developers don't monitor it any more. I'm no expert but I'll try to help.

In my set up, I needed HTML in my nodes, and I believe that's what you are trying to do.

In your init() function, you could put something like this:

label = fd.labels.getLabel(;
label.innerHTML = '<a href="link-to-video.php">video</a>';

Hope it helps.

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