FYI, Van
Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Nilson <>
Date: Oct 9, 2007 8:01 AM
Subject: [sv-web-jug] Reminder - October 16 - Seam Talk by Gavin King at Google
This is a free event open to the general public. So, please forward
this announcement on to other interested parties. The online meeting
announcement is here:
18:30-19:00 Arrive & mingle -- Food & drinks provided by Google
19:00-20:30 Seam and Web Beans Talk by Gavin King
Gavin King will be speaking about Seam. It is an open source "deep
integration" framework that tries to combine the best of both the Java
EE and Spring worlds. Seam is firmly rooted in Java EE standards. It
started out to address the design flaws between two key Java EE
frameworks: JSF and EJB3. Some of its core features are being adopted
in future official Java EE standards such as JSF 2.0 and WebBeans. As
more and more users start to adopt Seam, it has expanded far beyond
the scope of Java EE.
Gavin King is the founder of the Hibernate project, the leading
persistence solution for Java. He is an active member of the JSR-220
expert group, and contributed heavily to the design of EJB 3.0. With
Christian Bauer, he was author of "Hibernate in Action." Gavin works
for JBoss, Inc, leading the development of Hibernate, implementing EJB
3.0, and providing services to JBoss customers. He lives in Melbourne,
Australia, and Atlanta, Georgia.
Please be sure to get a raffle ticket during the mingling time at the
start of the meeting. Later in the evening, we will be raffling off
some free prizes. Currently the prizes include:
Java Persistence with Hibernate by Gavin King from Manning Publications Co.
Hibernate in Action by Gavin King from Manning Publications Co.
Professional Hibernate from Wrox Press
Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework from Wrox Press
Professional Ajax 2nd Edition from Wrox Press
This meeting was organized by the Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG and
is being co-hosted by the Silicon Valley JUG.
Kevin Nilson
Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG
Silicon Valley Web Developer Wiki