Adobe is Open Sourcing Flex!

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James Ward

Apr 26, 2007, 12:45:12 AM4/26/07
Tonight we announced that we are going to Open Source Flex under MPL!

Here is the full Press Release:

and FAQ:

And my blog:

This is really exciting for me since I've wanted to see this happen for
almost three years. Please join the flex-open-source Google Group and
let us know what you think about the announcement. And hopefully I will
see many of you at the JavaOne Java Posse BOF in less than 2 weeks!


Joshua Marinacci

Apr 26, 2007, 1:51:45 AM4/26/07
Dude! That's awesome!

- J
- Blasting forth in three part harmony!

Casper Bang

Apr 26, 2007, 2:40:25 AM4/26/07
to The Java Posse
Well I guess now is the best time ever to give Flex a try!


Brian Ehmann

Apr 26, 2007, 9:54:15 PM4/26/07
Sweet! Now when do we get Flex Builder, Data Services, and
Charting? (gosh, java has truly spoiled me)

Seriously though, this is awesome news.

- Brian


Apr 27, 2007, 9:38:14 AM4/27/07
to The Java Posse
Do any of you have significant experience with Flex (using or
building)? I do not. Although I seem to see Bruce Eckel's face in an
add for it every time I turn around so I have assumed this is some
pretty good stuff.

I was curious last night and started to play with some of the demos.
I googled for Flex/CRUD/demo (hoping to find something like what I
might write) and found the restaurant finder app.

I ran it three times and my browser terminated unexpectedly the first
two as I was scrolling through some records. I am running FC5 and
Firefox on the machine I used to do the testing. I was able
to add a record/review the third time.

I tried it on another (Linux) box which has an earlier version (7) of
the flash player installed (wondering how easy it would be to get
going assuming I was clueless which I may well be). The "app" does
not tell me to go get anything. It just paints a nice gray rectangle
on a green background and (eventually and w/o any type of progress
indicator) tells me it's "done" (I guess done "loading"). In
general, w/o some sort of progress indicator, I leave web sites that
take as long to load. If I move my cursor all around the rectangle I
eventually find an area where it turns into the hand/outstretched
finger icon. Clicking then takes me to the Adobe Flash Player
download center. Nice, but I am not sure the average user would know
why they are there (but then the average user still runs some other
OS, I hear, where you can always find the latest versions of Flash and

Not necessarily a fair or complete "test" but they are my first
impressions of Flex.

James Ward

Apr 27, 2007, 10:06:30 AM4/27/07
Thanks for documenting your experiences. This is helpful information
for us. Sorry the experience was as seamless as usual.

Flex 2 apps require Flash 9. The grey box you are seeing is due to a
Flex bug that was fixed a while back. What should be happening (on
Linux) is that if you don't have Flash 9 it will tell you that you need
it. On windows and mac it's a one-click auto-upgrade to Flash 9.

As for the crash, you may have an older version of Flash 9 for Linux. I
have 9.0.31 (latest Linux version). Go here to make sure you have that

With 9.0.31 on Ubuntu I don't get any crashes.

If you want to experiment with more CRUD apps, check out the Flex Test

Feel free to email directly if you have other questions/problems.


Jess Holle

Apr 27, 2007, 11:12:51 AM4/27/07
Those are exactly the sort of experiences that have given the Java Plug-In a bad name.

As I see it the difference is that Flash largely limits really bad experiences to Linux whereas the worst Java Plug-In experiences are mainly on Windows.  The Java Plug-In thus succeeded in producing a much larger black-eye for itself by screwing up most on the most used platform.

Jess Holle


Apr 28, 2007, 7:53:29 AM4/28/07
to The Java Posse
Thank you for the feedback, James. I am out of town for the weekend
and do not have access to the same hardware which both need the Flash
9 updates.

I will get them both updated and try as you suggest below.

I look forward to some nice results; that is up to everything positive
I have read. :)


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